
To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay(16)-5

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To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay -- the Series of Explanation and Analysis of Scripture (16) - 5

The Explanation and Analysis of the Verses in Chapter 5 of JAMES

It is edited and compiled under the guidance of Holy Spirit. All thanks, praises and glories be to God!

(6) Do not be greedy for money and oppress the poor (5:1-6)

Here, the author rebukes the rich who oppress others so that to warn all the rich against their oppressing others, failing to pay the workers and so on. They will surely be judged. Regarding the warnings to the rich and the blessings to the poor, the related verses are in (Luk 6:20,24; Mar 10:23-25; Luk 12:13-21; 16:19-31; 2Co 8:9,13-15; 1Ti 6:17-19).

A. Warning against the rich that the misery is coming upon them (5:1-3upper)

Jam 5:1 Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming upon you.


This verse is similar to the words of LORD in (Luk 6:24). It is obvious that these words are inspired by the Holy Spirit. The warnings to the rich in this book is relatively more severe than the similar teachings in other letters.

“the misery”, is put as “the miseries” in (K.J.V.) and (A.M.P.). Although the wealth can bring the enjoyment to the body, it can not guarantee the peace of men, nor can it block the miseries that God repay people. Therefore, the “miseries” not only refer to this life, but also refer to the life in the future. Only those who store up for themselves treasures in heaven are pleasing to God (Mat 6:19-24).

Jam 5:2-3upper Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire.


In these two verses, on one hand, it can be seen the stinginess of those rich people; on the other hand, it shows how easily the worldly wealth will be rotten and corroded. Although the rich has a lot of wealth and clothes, what they can use are limited. They are not willing to give them out to the poor, neither can they keep what they store, and the clothes stored will be eaten by the moths. Therefore, if we do not have the spiritual wealth, no matter how rich we are in this world, we are the poor before God (Mat 6:19-24; Luk 16:9).

Those wealth that are stored to be rotten, can only prove their deficit. They did not use the extra power in their hand that God give them to help those who need to be helped, and they are unworthy of the wealth that God give to them.

The gold and silver are corroded; this indicates that the gold and silver are stored for too long so that the surface turns dark or stained. The rich and selfish people might think that they have stored up many gold and silvers, and they can enjoy it at ease. However, these stored gold and silver will testify against them when God examine and judge. At that time, these gold and silver for their enjoyment will bring woe to them like fire.

B. Point out the sins and evils of the rich (5:3latter-6)

These verses talk about the four sins of the rich:

Jam 5:3latter You have hoarded wealth in the last days.


“have hoarded wealth”:

“You have hoarded wealth in the last days”. This is the first sin of the rich. “The last days” indicates that the judgment of God will come soon. Everyone should take the time to repent and be prepared to meet LORD. However, here, the author mentions that they only set their mind on making more money, and ignore the warnings from God to people in “the last days”. Thus, how could they escape the coming miseries? The apostle Paul in (2Ti 3:2) predicted that the people in last days will love the money even more. Therefore, those Christians who live in the last days must be very careful to keep away from the temptations of the money and wealth.

Jam 5:4 Look! The wages you failed to pay the workmen who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty.


What this verse talks about might seem ordinary to the people nowadays. However, at that time, only the Bible and the servants of God can dare to rebuke the sins of the rich. Note that: here, these words are said by the authority of the righteous God, in order to let the rich know that although the workers oppressed by them can not fight against their evil deeds. However, their cries are heard by almighty LORD.

Jam 5:5 You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter.


“the day of slaughter”:

The word of “slaughter” refers to the slaughter of sheep; it is also used in (Act 8:32; Rom 8:36), which is cited from (Isa 53:7; Psa 44:22) respectively. The days of judgment, conviction and punishment are coming, and people still do not repent. If people only seek the enjoyments of this life without revering God, even use unlawful means to squeeze others to obtain the wealth and enjoyment for themselves, will not such a wealth be the sins and evils that God will punish severely? Therefore, here, the author warns the rich that they should not care about the enjoyment before eyes only and live in luxury and self-indulgence, and should not ignore the revenge of God. Otherwise, they can’t face the judgment of God on that Day.

Jam 5:6 You have condemned and murdered innocent men, who were not opposing you.


It can be seen from this verse that the rich who are rebuked were also powerful at that time. Even so, James, as one of the pillars of the church under the oppression, is fearless and obeys the inspiration of God to rebuke them boldly. The “innocent men” refer to the Christians being persecuted at that time (the Bible won’t call the nonbelievers as innocent men). For the sake of faith, they were exploited on their job and reasonable payment, even got killed innocently ( here “innocent men” can also have a general interpretation, and refer to all people who get killed innocently).

This verse also especially reminds the rich Christians with high positions, should be all the more careful about themselves: it is because it is often easy for one who has higher position and wealth than others, treat others unfairly without being aware of it. If the rich do not do a lot of good and what is righteous in Christ, they will have big deficit to God. Therefore, the poor are those who are blessed to inherit the heavenly kingdom (Luk 6;20; Jam 2:5).

7. The faith and prayer (5:7-20)

(1) By faith be patient to wait for LORD (5:7-11)

Here, after rebuking the rich, the author starts to encourage the believers to persevere to wait for LORD to come again. Since they meet with the sufferings in this life and know the emptiness of this world, they should hope for the second Coming of LORD more eagerly, and be patient to walk through the journey of this life.

Jam 5:7 Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains.


“Be patient”: this is to encourage each of the believers to persevere in their circumstances at that time. We must be patient, no matter in what kind of circumstances and times, sometimes to endure the poverty, sometimes the misunderstandings; sometimes to endure the family members, sometimes the outsiders; sometimes to endure the strikes on the mind, sometimes the loss on the materials; no matter what, we should learn Christ's perseverance (2Th 3:5).

Furthermore, we should stand on the position of being oppressed and suffering the loss, but not on the position of suppressing others and making others suffer the loss.

How long we should “be patient”? “until the Lord's coming”; that is also as verse (1:4): “Perseverance must finish its work ”.

This is the reason that we should be patient and persevere: it is because LORD will come soon, and will surely come. Therefore, we should persevere the light and momentary troubles in this life (2Co 4:16).

This is also our strength and hope to endure: how can we endure? Thinking of the Second Coming of LORD, we can endure. The apostle Paul said: “if we endure, we will also reign with him. If we disown him, he will also disown us;” (2Ti 2:12).

In this paragraph, the patience has four kinds of characters:

A. the patience of hope (5:7latter)

How the farmers sow seed with hope and are patient for the land to yield its valuable crop, so we are patiently waiting for LORD’s coming. The farmers won’t wait untill they see the rain to sow seed (Ecc 11:4), but to sow seed on schedule; then wait for the rain. To sow the seed is men’s duty; to give the rain is God’s deeds; just as the believers should work on their duties and then hope God to show His deeds. We should be patient, then we will have the hope to see God’s deeds.

B. the patience of faith (5:8)

Jam 5:8 You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord's coming is near.


The patience for a long duration need to be strengthened by faith. One especially should have the faith that: “the Lord's coming is near. ” “You too, be patient and stand firm”, this verse shows that this verse is connected with the last verse. We should not only be patient as the farmer to sow seed with hope, but also should be patient as the farmer to sow seed with faith. Since the farmers sow the seed and have the faith of the harvest, our patience today is as the farmer who sow seed and have faith in the harvest in the future.

C. the patience of love (5:9)

Jam 5:9 Don't grumble against each other, brothers, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door!


“Don't grumble against each other”:

To “grumble against each other” is a sign that there is no patience in the life of the members and also a display of lacking of love. Whoever grumbles against others is to ask the love of others to oneself; but forgets he should have love to others. Therefore, we should have the patience of love so that to have peaceful life with the brothers.

“or you will be judged”:

It is obvious that to grumble against each other is the sin that will be judged by God. Especially, when the church is in trials, to grumble against each other can only enhance the pains of each other, and reduce the spiritual capability of the church. Whoever always puts the responsibility of suffering and loss on others, is one who does not revere God, and can not escape the judgment of the righteous God.

“The Judge is standing at the door! ”:

On His Second Coming, LORD is the Judge, but not the Savior. This verse has two meanings: on one hand, LORD is the LORD who will judge the believers. Since He is standing at the door, we must not grumble against each other, but should live the rest of our earthly life with patience and reverence to God, and prepare all the life and conducts to turn in the account to God. On the other hand, this verse indicates that LORD is the LORD who will judge all the people. Since He will come soon to pay the rewards and punishments (Rev 22:12). Thus, even if we are in trials temporarily, we should be patient. For in just a very little while, He who is coming will come and will not delay (Heb 10:37).

D. Follow the examples of the patience of the ancient saints (5:10-11)

Jam 5:10 Brothers, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord.


Since all the prophets are men just like us, they can suffer for LORD and finish their work on the perseverance. We should learn their examples of suffering and perseverance. What is more, all the prophets persevered in the sufferings; that is because they speak in the name of LORD and do what is pleasing to God, but not for the individual gain or loss. This is the example of perseverance that we should follow which has the spiritual value. If until today, we are still suffer for the problems of individual gain or loss and cannot persevere, we have nothing to grumble against.

On the other hand, even all the prophets suffered for the name of LORD; how could we Christians in the last days be the exceptions? Even Christ on earth suffered for the men, how much more His servant! “If the head of the house has been called Beelzebub, how much more the members of his household! ” (Mat 10:25) Thus, we not only should not grumble for the sufferings, but also should be comforted and encouraged because of the examples of all the prophets. For if we suffer for the same reason as all the prophets, it shows that we are in the same rank with them on sufferings. Therefore, we should persevere more.

Jam 5:11 As you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job's perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.


Since those who have persevered are considered by the later generations to be blessed. It is obvious that perseverance in the sufferings for the LORD can encourage others and be admired by others; not only be admired by people at that age, but also be admired by later generations all the time. Furthermore, this is said only from the side of men; from the side of God, the blessings that we will get are surely far beyond this. There are many magnificent ceremonies and happy events, which need to be prepared for a long time and from various aspects, then to obtain a temporary joy and glory. However, as to the believers who persevere for LORD and prepare to see LORD, it only requires a short time of perseverance for them to obtain the eternal happiness and glories. Thus, how couldn’t we persevere?

Here, the author especially mentions Job’s perseverance and his ending given by God. The disasters that Job suffered, from his viewpoint, are without any reason; and they came in a sudden and were very severe. However, his perseverance gave good testimonies for God before the devil to prove that there are indeed people on earth who are not loving God only for His blessings. God gain the respect and love from people not by the material and good things only; but because of His great compassion and mercy and that He is completely lovable. Therefore, Job got double blessings. In the like manner, if we endure one more suffering, we will get the double blessings. Since God has show Job that He is “full of compassion and mercy” . He certainly will show us His compassion and mercy.

Note that: from verse 7-11, each verse mentions the word of “LORD” to show that all of our perseverance are centered at LORD, and only by relying on LORD, we can persevere.

(2) By faith speak the truth (5:12)

Jam 5:12 Above all, my brothers, do not swear--not by heaven or by earth or by anything else. Let your "Yes" be yes, and your "No," no, or you will be condemned.


This verse is similar to the words in (Mat 5:33-37), which are spoken by LORD Jesus; here, James is inspired by the Holy Spirit to say it. If we care about the teachings of LORD and obey the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we will naturally speak the words that are in accordance to the mind of LORD to benefit those who hear it.

The Jews like to swear to draw an end to the arguments. However, those who swear have no power from themselves to put their swear into practice; even can not change a hair from black to white. Thus, the oath they swear is empty words! Therefore, as a result of making an oath casually, they put themselves into the sins of treacherousness and deception from the side of men; and put themselves into the sins of disrespecting and unbelieving God. To swear casually, it equals to let God to be responsible to put our words into effect, but ignore that God only act according His own will, but not follow our will and be responsible for our oath. This will unconsciously make people to suspect the power of God because the oath does not come true.

Therefore, the Christians should believe in the righteousness of God and speak the truth to gain trust from others; but should not gain trust from others by any irresponsible oath, in case that our God will be slandered.

“or you will be condemned”

This is the second warning in these verses. The similar warning is in verse 9. We should surely believe that God will judge all who do not tell the truth and do what are unjust. Therefore, we must speak truth with reverence to God. On the contrary, if we do not swear honestly, not only we can not exempt from punishment by making an oath, but also put us be under the judgment of God and can not escape.

3. By faith live a life of prayer (5:13-18)

A. prayers for the suffering (5:13)

Jam 5:13 Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise.


Whenever in trouble, one should pray. The believers must learn to turn to and rely on the power of God. Those who are happy should sing songs of praise. Our joy and portions are the grace from God; we should praise God and give thanks to Him. God is the fountain of all of our joy, and the only strength we can rely on. Therefore, whenever we are in sufferings, we should tell Him our pains; God is our comforts and strength. When we are happy, we should also express our thanksgivings and praises, and sing songs of praises. But we should not become those who do not know to pray in the sufferings, and forget to give thanks and praises to LORD in the joys.

This verse let us see that in a group of the Christians, neither all of them are suffering, nor all are in the favorable circumstance. Since we see that in a group of people , there are both who are in the sufferings and who are in joy. We should also understand that in the individual journey of the life. There are both the different experience of sufferings and joys. No matter bitterness or joy, they are all temporary! Among a group of the Christians, God has different will for each one of them; even in the individual life or on different time, He has different predestined will; His purpose is always to let His children gain good things.

B. The prayer of healing the sick (5:14-15)

Jam 5:14 Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord.


Note that: the elders in these church might not have the gifts to heal the sick. It is because the church sets the elders only on the basis of their spirituality, but absolutely not based on whether they have the gifts of healing the sick or not. Here, healing the sick is not by special gift, but by prayer, faith and confessing the sins. Whether the sick will be healed or not is up to the predestined will of God on each individual.

“anoint him with oil ”:

It is not that “oil” itself has any effect, that it can help the sick to be cured. It only symbolizes the power and grace of the Holy Spirit. There are often the similar situations in the Bible, to show the power of God through something or ceremonies. But in fact, the one who shows the power is God. These things and ceremonies themselves do not have any effect.

Jam 5:15 And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven.


This verse shows again that the reason of the decease is often because of sins. According to the Bible, there are three reasons for getting sick:

a. the trials from God;

b. the attacks from the devil;

c. the sins of oneself ( including being careless of one’s own health).

If it is because of sins and getting disciplined by God, to confess one’s sins will get cured.

Note that “If he has sinned, he will be forgiven.” It is not saying that our prayers for each other have the effects of forgiving sins; but it is saying that the result that we pray for the forgiveness of sins, will be able to make those who sinned know their sins and repent to be forgiven. Therefore, the following verse is: “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other”.

C. The powerful and effective prayer (5:16-18)

Jam 5:16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.


These two verses, on one hand, explain the meaning that “If he has sinned, he will be forgiven”; on the other hand, it shows that if we keep the peace and have the same mind with each other, it will have significant influence on the effects of the prayer. This is the same teachings of LORD Jesus (Mat 5:23; 6:14).

“The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective”.

A righteous man is one who is redeemed by the precious blood of LORD and considered righteous by God (1Pe 1:18,19; Heb 11:4; Gal 2:16). God does not listen to the sinners (Joh 9:31). However, the prayer of a righteous man not only will be heard by God, but also is powerful and effective. Note that, here it is not saying that the prayers of the prophets or apostles are powerful and effective. It is saying that the prayer of “a righteous man ” is powerful and effective. The prayers of everyone who is cleansed by the blood of LORD, no matter what spiritual duty he has, are powerful and effective. Therefore, we should not make light of our own rights and effects to pray because of relying on other’s prayers too much.

Jam 5:17-18 Elijah was a man just like us. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops.


Here, it especially cites the prayers of the prophet Elijah in the Old Testament to prove how great the effects of the prayers of a righteous man. However, what need to pay attention to is: here, it does not emphasize that the reason that the prayer of Elijah can have such an effect is because he is a servant being put on an important position by God. On the contrary, it especially points out that Elijah who was put on an important position and did great wonders for God through the prayer in faith is “a man just like us”. What Elijah can do, we can also do. God did not give Elijah some especially superior conditions so that the effect of his prayer is far beyond we can reach. The reason that our prayer can not have the same effect as those of Elijah’s, is because of our own problems; that is, we do not have the complete faith and the attitude to serve God wholeheartedly like Elijah. The God of Elijah is the God of us, but God’s us are often not God’s Elijah.

The wonders that Elijah did through the prayer with faith, were not done in a short time, but were done in three and a half years. Within these three and a half years, Elijah continually relied on God and had the same mind as God and obeyed God, and also suffered because his prayer was answered. It is because in the drought of three and a half years, he himself also shared the sufferings. However, he relied on and waited for God faithfully from beginning to the end until God did His wonders. Here, it also let us see that we often like to see the wonders of God in a short time, however, God often want to do “the wonders of long term” on us so that we will be trained.

(4) To save the spirits by faith (5:19-20)

Jam 5:19 My brothers, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring him back,


“wander from the truth ”: it is also translated as “do err from the truth” (K.J.V.), or “strays from the Truth and falls into error ” (A.M.P.). It can be seen that to “wander from the truth ” indicates to fall into the error and miss the correct direction of the truth.

Jam 5:20 remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins.


Here, “a sinner” refers to those who wander away from the truth; it also proves that those who wander away from the truth mentioned above are sinners.

“cover over a multitude of sins” :

If one goes astray from the truth and falls into the errors, he is easy to be tempted by the devil and does a multitude of sins. On the contrary, if one turns around to be saved from the way of being lost in sins, not only he was saved, but also he can be used by God to save many people in sins. Therefore, if one turns around from the astray of sins, not only can save one spirit from death, but also can cover “multitude of sins”. Here to “cover” indicates to prevent multitude of sins from happening. The main task that Christ came to the earth is to cleanse the sins and evils. Therefore, our work to save the spirits, is to directly co-work with LORD to resist the sins and evils, and do the realistic contributions on saving the spirits.

Therefore, here, the author tells us that the significance and spiritual value of the work to save the spirits, is to let us know that the results of saving the spirit have significant influence from every aspect, such as on the individuals, the people, the spiritual world and the material world. Thus, we should make more efforts to save people.

The great mission that LORD give us to preach the Gospel, is the work with the eternal significance to save the spirit from death, and can cover multitude of sins. To save others, at the same time, is to save ourselves (1Ti 4:16). It is the mission and responsibility of every Christian to take every chance to preach Gospel and never miss any chance to spread Gospel.


1. Zhongdao Chen: “The Lectures on the Bible Studying of the Letters in New Testament”.

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