
My Testimony (Excerpt):The Wicked Deeds and Threats of the Devil

(2007-04-26 17:38:31) 下一個

My Testimony (Excerpt):

1. The Wicked Deeds and Threats of the Devil and the Evil Spirits; and My Willingness to Sacrifice My Life for LORD:

From Apr. 4th to Apr. 8th, I wrote down 3 more testimonies. Each time that I wrote a testimony, I was very fast without pause. All the testimonies are like this; I usually finished one testimony in less than one day; as to the longest one and with the interruption of other activities, it took me less than 3 days. After finishing the testimonies, I started to translate; however, there were attacks and disturbance from the evil spirits, which made me having a headache for several days and slowed down my pace. I finished the translation of all the three testimonies on Apr. 16th. On Apr. 11th, since it was necessary to give the explanation and clarification on some misunderstandings, with the permission of the Holy Spirit, I published on the internet one of the testimonies -- “My testimony: The Fights Against the Devil and Evil Spirits (04/04/2007)” , without waiting to the end to publish it together with all other testimonies. On Apr. 12th, I also published the translation of this testimony on the internet, which was translated under the struggles and fights with the devil and evil spirits for several days. Since this testimony reveals the practical fights in reality against the devil and evil spirits, it makes the devil and the evil spirits worried; therefore, they attacked and disturbed me fiercely during the writing and translating. After it was published, it seems that this message did not affect the men’s world as much as the impact on the world of the devil and evil spirits. Especially, in this message, it illustrates the truth to refute the saying of “Freedom for Slaves”, for this saying seems to be what the devil and the evil spirits used to explain and support their wrong choice of the rebellion before. When the Holy Spirit gives the truth and wisdom, and let me explain further the relationship of serving each other, and also God is the One who really carry all the burdens, and to be with God is actually the greatest reward, these truths penetrate the foolishness and falsehood of the devil. Even the evil spirits momentarily forgot their standing point and agreed with these truths in this message. The devil and the evil spirits are foolish indeed; they even never think through this truth, or maybe it is too late when they know this truth, for their judgments had been made. What followed immediately was even bigger anger and desperation of the devil and the evil spirits.

On Apr. 16th, on the campus of Virginia Tech., the deadliest school shooting rampage in the U.S. history occurred. Until yesterday (Apr. 24th), the news on Yahoo showed that the police still could not find out the motive of the gunman and any connection of him with all the other 32 victims. There’s no need to give much explanation, and whoever has a little knowledge of the spiritual world can tell at once that this is the deeds from the devil. On the first few days afterward, several reports on Yahoo related to this news mentioned something that the creative writing is disturbing. Even now, if one searches these words together -- “Virginia Tech. shooting and creative writing” on the website of Yahoo, the searching results will show that: there were more than a million news regarding the Virginia Tech. shooting reported and mentioned about the problem of the creative writing. In the video sent to NBC by the gunman, his words were obviously from the devil who occupied and used him to fabricate a false charge, even mentioned about the rich people and Jesus Christ and so on. While these words are proved to have nothing to do with the gunman himself and his environment. This is obviously a typical example that the devil used man to murder and do destructive and detestable things.

In the mean while, the evil spirits also used this news to threaten and scare me again: the devil can also make use of some murderer to kill me. However, I have the willingness to sacrifice my life for LORD long time ago. If LORD allows me to sacrifice my life, that indicates a bigger reward in the eternity. How honorable it is to follow the step of LORD Jesus Christ to walk on the road of cross and even to get on the cross! Among all kinds of ways to die, to sacrifice one’s life for LORD is the most worthy way. To die in the illness or in the traffic accidents

is painful all the same yet meaningless. Nevertheless, from the strength, support and grace that I received from LORD in the difficulties and sufferings, I got to know that those who sacrifice their life for LORD were actually taken care of and supported by the grace from LORD. For example, Stephen (Act 7:55) saw and entered the great glory; he himself was actually very happy, yet those who stood by can not understand it. I remembered that once before the work of the Holy Spirit was revealed to me and when I did not know the authenticity of God yet, I red an article about the deeds of some who sacrifice their life for LORD from a magazine. My heart thumped after reading it. Then, at that night, during my dream, I dreamed that I saw LORD Jesus after the resurrection the same as other disciples. Then a voice asked me: “Are you willing to sacrifice your life for LORD?” Although it was in the dream, my answer was still “prudent”: “I could not answer this question.” After that, I woke up; I thought about it again and nodded on my answer: I was still young, and I had a lot of things to experience and plans for the future, also I have the responsibility to my family members. I didn’t realize that this answer is wrong until I really know about LORD. After I experience the authenticity and grace of LORD, I keep on regretting on my answer before. For several times, I want to correct my foolishness before, and the answer I want to say is: “LORD, I am willing to do it! Thank you for giving me such a grace and honored chance!” And I also realize that God is the One who actually takes care of my family members. And now I understand the deeds and words of those who sacrifice their life for LORD. For example, how could the old man who was burned in the fire can give thanks to LORD at that kind of situation? It’s because of the strength and joy from the Holy Spirit filled him up, but not because he’s specially different from the normal persons. Of course, the more one knows about LORD, the more he will trust in LORD and love LORD; and he will be willing to sacrifice anything for LORD. Because of the great grace of LORD, together with this attitude of willingness to sacrifice and suffer, one will be able to follow LORD closely to overcome all kind of trials and tests. It is because by comparing with sacrificing life, there is nothing more difficult that one can not obey. With such an attitude of obedience, one will be guaranteed to belong to LORD and will not fall.

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