
To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay (6)-2

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To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay -- the Series of Explanation and Analysis of Scripture (6)-2

The Explanation and Analysis of the Verses of Chapter 2 in EPHESIANS

It is edited and compiled under the guidance of Holy Spirit. All thanks, praises and glories be to God!

We used to be separated from the life of God. We were dead in our transgressions and sins and were the objects of wrath.

The rebirth is that the Holy Spirit of God enters into one and wakes up one’s dead spirit so that one is reborn. The revival of one’s spirit is the beginning of the recovering work from God. This is the first step of salvation. It indicates that our spirit recovers its original function. God save us to be in Christ to overcome the devil; give us the life of resurrection to overcome the sinful nature; seat us in heaven to overcome the world. The salvation is the power of God. Through Christ, He let us be in Christ so that we are alive with Christ, “and God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.” We must unite ourselves with Christ first to share His life and supremacy.

All the kindness and grace of God are given to us in Christ; apart from Christ, we can’t enjoy the kindness from God. Faith is the pipe of the grace. All spiritual practices are touched through faith. We must not boast about ourselves. We must not be like the Pharisees. We Christians must not justify ourselves, but must regard God as the only righteous One.

“ For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” God distribute His life to us through Christ so that we have the divine nature of God. This is a new creation by God.

“To do good works” is the requirement from God to the believers who were reborn. To those who are not reborn, the requirement is only “to believe”. One must be clear about these concepts. Now, many Christians are confused about these two different requirements. They have the misunderstanding that “to do good works” is not God’s requirement for us; that they only need to believe and that’s all and do not need to do good. This is against the will of God and the truth and spirit of the gospel!

The core work of God is making us “be conformed to the likeness of his Son” (Rom 8:29). All kinds of grace and trials that God give us are for this purpose. Therefore, what is most important after our rebirth is to let the life of Christ shown on us. The mission of the believers is “to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do”. Here, “good” is different from the good in men’s morality. It is the “good” in God’s will, that is, to live, show, and testify Christ’s life. To those who are not reborn, the requirement is only “to believe” and there is no requirement on their deeds. However, to those who were reborn already, God require them to “do good works.” This verse follows immediately after the verse of “ not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Eph 2:9), in order that the readers won’t have misunderstandings or prejudice on it. “To do good works ” is what the children of God must do!

By doing good works, the Christians acknowledge the grace given by God, that is, acknowledge the best life that God give us; therefore, we should live this life -- the life of Christ. Many people serve God, but that is not God’s work. The service required by God is that all the intentions, motives and purposes of the service are for Christ. Christ must be on the first place in our service and works.

We can come to God. On one hand, it is because of LORD‘s blood; one the other hand, it is because we are in Christ. Because He is the way, no one can come to God except through Christ.

Christ is the peace between God and us; and reconcile us to God. Our life were originally separated from God. The dividing wall was destroyed by LORD Christ Jesus. He is the only factor to make God and us be at peace. Without Him, there won’t be peace between God and us. In Christ, we are redeemed from the transgressions and sins, and nothing can separate us from God any more. To be one in Christ is the union of God and men to be one.

The believer after the rebirth is a new mankind created by God, that is - Christ -man, who was never in the world before. The believer after the rebirth has the Spirit of Christ dwelling in; the spiritual life is renewed and united with Christ to be one and become a new creation. All things belong to the old one have no part in the new man. The old self must deny oneself and this can only be accomplished by carrying the cross. Only through this way, a man can show the life of Christ and be one in Christ, thus, he can truly be a new man. Many believers do not know that in themselves -- the jars of clay, there is the treasure -- the dwelling in Christ. Therefore, they live a life without ever thinking of letting Christ be in charge of their life and they still live their life according to their old selves. Others only see the old jars of clay from them. We must recognize the fact that we are new creations. We must deny ourselves and break the jars of clay to let the dwelling in Christ change our life and to truly be a new man that is one in Christ.

The peace accomplished by the cross reconciled men to God through Christ. There is no barrier and hindrance in the communion between God and the believers with the rebirth any more. Only those who are willing to be crucified together with Christ and let the world be crucified for them so that to be one in Christ, can be in one body with God.

Our body is the temple of God. We are the living stones to build the holy temple in the LORD. Every growth of life in the believers relies on Christ completely. Jesus Christ is the foundation to build up the believers. He Himself is the “cornerstone” of the holy temple. “A holy temple in the Lord” implies that the believers belong to LORD. The defect in the knowledge of some Christians is that they don’t know they are not their own. Holy Temple is where to worship and pray to God. We Christians must be a royal priesthood, a holy priesthood. Holy Spirit is like the cement; all the living stones are immersed in Him; Holy Spirit immerse all the children of God to be one in Christ. The believers are one in Christ and joined together by Christ, and become a dwelling for God.

It is edited and compiled under the guidance of Holy Spirit. All thanks, praises and glories be to God!

EPHESIANS 2:1 “ As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, ”


“were dead ”:

refers to the spiritual death, that is, were separated from the life of God (Eph 4:18). The spirit lost its function and can not resist sins at all.

“transgressions and sins,”:

all the misdeeds that trespass against the rules and will of God; all the immoral conducts, intentions and status that do not reach the standard of God.

“were dead in your transgressions and sins, ”:

implies that: (1) “were dead” refers to the spiritual death; the situation of men in front of God is: living in death, for they “were separated from the life of God”(Eph 4:18). (2) “were dead” also refers to the destined second death (Rev 20:14); the end of men should be: the eternal death, for “the wages of sin is death” (Rom 6:23). (3) “were dead” also implies that the “flesh and blood are the perishable” (1Co 15:50), for “death through sin came to all men,” (Rom 5:12). (4) In a word, men live in the shadow of death everyday (Mat 4:16, Luk 1:79). (5) Sins brought death to men, and death controls men through sins: (a) makes men have no sense of sins; (b) makes men powerless to sins and unable to free oneself from the sins.


(1) Death is that one loses the sense and power of life. From the active aspect: have no sense to the love of God and are unable to do good and please God; from the passive aspect, have no sense to the sins and are unable to resist sins.

(2) If every one of us wants to understand what is the salvation and wants to have spiritual growth, first of all, we should understand originally who we really are. Here, it tells that not only we do sins and evils, but we were the dead!

(3) It is impossible to let the dead live a holy life. Since we know that men originally are dead, first of all, we need to overcome the death.

(4) The worst damage of sins to human beings is that the death reigns and makes people lose their sense and power of life.

(5) As to sins, none of the whole mankind is a stander-by. The criminals die in the transgressions and sins; those who make laws and persecute laws also die in the transgressions and sins. Every one takes part in the arena of the transgressions and sins; the destruction is the only destiny.

EPHESIANS 2:2 “ in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.”


“when ”:

refers to at the time that one has not received the salvation yet.

“in which ”:

that is, “in the transgressions and sins”.

“this world ”:

refers to the organization managed by the devil which is used to abduct and seize people.

“the ways ”:

refer to this apparent world and secular customs.

“the ruler of the kingdom of the air”:

refers to the devil, the devil is the head of the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms(Eph 6:12) and the prince of this world; the whole world is under the control of the evil one (Joh 5:19).

“those who are disobedient”:

refer to those whose will are disobedient to God and resist God. The devil and evil spirits work in the mind of people; the people follow the devil and do things that do not please God and become those who are disobedient.

This verse talks about the work of the devil: (1) the base of work: “the air”; (2) the follower of work: “the spirit ”; (3) the time of work: “now”; (4) the objects of work: “those who are disobedient”; (5) the way of work: “in those ”, in the mind of people; (6) the content of work: make people “follow the ways of this world ” and obedient to the devil; (7) the purpose of work: make people disobedient to God as it (the devil) did.


(1) If men “followed the ways of this world ”, it is equal to “followed the ruler of the kingdom of the air” -- the devil. Because the situation of each times in this world, is the trap of the devil to snare and puzzle people.

(2) Before we were reborn, outwardly we “followed the ways of this world”; inwardly we were obedient to the devil and the evil spirits. Therefore, from the viewpoint of God, our whole life was “dead in transgressions and sins” (Eph 2:1).

(3) For a man without the rebirth, he has to follow the ways of the world; otherwise, he would feel like that he is out of date and does not catch up with the times.

(4) When the current of the fashion comes, almost every one will be involved. Although it costs a lot, people are willing to follow it and also take it as a pride; while searching for the reason, it is the cunning scheme of the evil spirits.

(5) The Christians do not belong to this world; if they continue to follow the ways of this world, they will live a secular life and lose the testimony of setting apart from the world. This will not please God (Rom 12:2; Jam 4:4; 2Ki 17:33).

(6) The Christians live a life in this world, not a life without principles, but a life according to the will of God and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

(7) The Christians should be the people who change the ways of life, but not follow the secular ways of this world.

(8) Satan works hard in people, the evils of the people are the apparent signs of its hard work.

(9) If we believers still have jealousy and quarreling among us, and indulge in the sinful nature, we are “acting like mere men” (1Co 3:3), and “follow the ways of this world ”.

EPHESIANS 2:3 “ All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our sinful nature and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature objects of wrath.”


“sinful nature”:

after the fall of men, the nature of men was corrupted by the devil and became sinful, and is full of evil desires and likes to do sins and evils.

“by nature objects of wrath”:

according to our nature, it is the same as others and the end is also the same as others, with only an expectation of the judgment and wrath of God (Joh 3:36).


(1) Men have three enemies: (1) sinful nature; (2) the world; (3) the devil. The worldly men indulge in the sinful nature, follow the world, and are obedient to the devil (Eph 2:2).

(2) The sinful nature ( the actor), the world ( the stage), and the devil (the director) altogether perform being “dead in the transgressions and sins”.

(3) The desires granted by God were originally good, such as desire of eating. However, if out of control, it will do harm to people. When the normal desires develop to the evil desires, it will only be full of negatives. With the additional indulgence, the results are terrible.

(4) The “desires and thoughts” are often controlled by “cravings of the sinful nature”. Therefore we should not do as we please at will and offend God.

(5) In front of God, the sinners are not worthy of getting anything expect the wrath and punishment from God (“objects of wrath”).

EPHESIANS 2:4 “ But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, ”


“because of his great love for us”:

Love is the nature of God, because God is love (1Jo 4:8). Considering from every aspect, the love of God is great:

(1) great level: the love of sacrificing the only Son He loves;

(2) great duration of time: the love that never changes;

(3) great value: incomparable and priceless love;

(4) great volume: the love that every one can get and enjoy;

(5) great power: the love that surpasses all.

The mercy of God is from the kindness in Him; the great love of God is the motive that He sent His only Son to the world.


(1) We are full of sins and are obstinate to do sins and evils. Without the “rich in mercy ” of God, we can’t be saved.

(2) The “mercy” is before the “love” and comes upon the unlovable men; and rescue them from the “pitiful” to the “lovable”.

(3) Only those who understand the love of God, will understand how precious the salvation is.

(4) Whoever is indifferent to God’s great love can not be put on the important position by God.

EPHESIANS 2:5 “ made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions--it is by grace you have been saved.”


“alive with Christ ”:

This is the first step of salvation. It indicates that our spirit recovers its original function, that is so called “crossing over from death to life” (Joh 5:24-25).

“it is by grace you have been saved”:

This verse explains the previous word. It shows that it is not that we are worthy of the salvation; but it is by grace -- a generous favor to the sinners because of the mercy and great love from God.


(1) “dead in transgressions” and “alive with Christ ” are what we experience before and after the rebirth. Before the rebirth, one is muddle-headed without the sense of shame in sins and evils; after the rebirth, one is woken up, and will not be at ease if has the thoughts of sins and evils.

(2) The rebirth is that the Holy Spirit of God enters into one and wakes up one’s dead spirit so that one is reborn (Joh 3:3-6).

(3) The revival of one’s spirit is the beginning of the recovering work from God.

EPHESIANS 2:6 “ And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus,”


“And God raised us up with Christ ”:

This is the second step of the salvation. It indicates that we receive the new life from God and recover the function and power of life, so that to rise up and leave the tomb and are separated from all the dead things.

“seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus”:

This is the third step of the salvation. It indicates that we obtain a new status, in this world but beyond this world. Although we are on the earth, we live a heavenly life. Nothing on earth can disturb us.


(1) God save us to be in Christ to overcome the devil; give us the life of resurrection to overcome the sinful nature; seat us in heaven to overcome the world.

(2) The salvation is the power of God. Through Christ, He let us be in Christ so that we are alive with Christ, “and God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.” Therefore, whenever we are in the tests and difficulties, we should trust in the salvation in Christ given by God to overcome the tests and difficulties. “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I (Christ) have overcome the world.”(Joh 16:33).

(3) If we can stand on the heavenly status and look at all the things on earth, we won’t love the world any more.

(4) Sitting with Him in the heaven means having the same heavenly insight, life, language; nowadays many believers only have snobbish insight, the secular life and corrupted and dirty language. The reason is that they didn’t sit with Christ on heaven.

(5) We must unite ourselves with Christ first to share His life and supremacy.

EPHESIANS 2:7 “ in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus.”


(1) All the kindness and grace of God are given to us in Christ; apart from Christ, we can’t enjoy the kindness from God.

EPHESIANS 2:8 “ For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--”


(1) All the grace are from God, but not from ourselves.

(2) The salvation comes not from men, but from God. It is the gift from God by grace.

(3) We are reborn by grace of God. It is a gift from God freely. God give Christ to save us. On our side, we only need to willingly believe and accept the grace.

(4) Faith is the pipe of the grace. All spiritual practices are touched through faith.

(5) We start our Christian life because of receiving Christ as our savior and relying on the salvation that have been accomplished by LORD. The principles of a Christian life are always based on the principle of relying on Christ completely.

(6) Here, it repeats the verse of (Eph 2:5) “it is by grace you have been saved” to emphasize that we have been saved completely because of the grace of God; we will continue to be delivered in our life afterward by relying on Him (2Co 1:10) to trust in and obey God and be a saint in Christ.

EPHESIANS 2:9 “ not by works, so that no one can boast.”


The rebirth of the salvation is completely by God’s grace, and have nothing to do with our deeds. We have nothing to boast about ourselves in our salvation.


(1) If anyone boast about himself on his rebirth, he might not be saved yet.

(2) We must not boast about ourselves(Jam 4:6; 1Pe 5:6). We must not be like the Pharisees (Luk 18:9-14). We Christians must not justify ourselves, but must regard God as the only righteous One.

EPHESIANS 2:10 “ For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”



refer to all the children of God.

“we are God's workmanship”:

We are the created. Our rebirth is completely by God’s work without any work by ourselves. Therefore, we are His workmanship and even His masterpiece which was made through God’s effort and the best among all the things He created.

“created in Christ Jesus ”:

God distribute His life to us through Christ so that we have the divine nature of God. This is a new creation by God.

“to do good works”:

“to do good works” is the requirement from God to the believers who were reborn. To those who are not reborn, the requirement is only “to believe”. One must be clear about these concepts. Now, many Christians are confused about these two different requirements. They have the misunderstanding that “to do good works” is not God’s requirement for us; that they only need to believe and that’s all and do not need to do good. This is against the will of God and the truth and spirit of the gospel!

“which God prepared in advance for us to do”:

that is, we must walk in the will of God and God prepared this will for us before the creation of the world.


(1) God is always at work. “We are God's workmanship”. His core work is making us “be conformed to the likeness of his Son” (Rom 8:29). All kinds of grace and trials that God give us are for this purpose. Therefore, what is most important after our rebirth is to let the life of Christ shown on us.

(2) The mission of the believers is “to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do”. Here, “good” is different from the good in men’s morality. It is the “good” in God’s will, that is, to live, show, and testify Christ’s life.

(3) To those who are not reborn, the requirement is only “to believe” and there is no requirement on their deeds. However, to those who were reborn already, God require them to “do good works.” This verse follows immediately after the verse of “ not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Eph 2:9), in order that the readers won’t have misunderstandings or prejudice on it. “To do good works ” is what the children of God must do!

(4) Good works are not something that are done accidentally by the Christians in their life, but were prepared by God for His people in the eternal plan, and are the purpose of God to save us.

(5) By doing good works, the Christians acknowledge the grace given by God, that is, acknowledge the best life that God give us; therefore, we should live this life -- the life of Christ.

(6) “for us to do” in this verse is in contrast with “in which you used to live” in the verse of (Eph 2:2). Before, since we were dead, we used to live according to the death; now, since we are alive, we live according to the life. One died first and then does sins and evils; one is alive first and then does good works.

(7) About “to do good works” , “good works” is Christ. The purpose of God’s work is Christ. No matter what kind of profession the believers take, it is all God’s work and one should walk in the good works of God.

(8) Many people serve God, but that is not God’s work. The service required by God is that all the intentions, motives and purposes of the service are for Christ. Christ must be on the first place in our service and works.

EPHESIANS 2:11 “ Therefore, remember that formerly you who are Gentiles by birth and called "uncircumcised" by those who call themselves "the circumcision"”


(1) The difference between the believers and the worldly people is not the mark on the outward body.

(2) The religious persons like using the mark on the outward body to distinguish themselves from others and despise those without the mark.

(3) A true circumcision is not merely outward and physical, but a circumcision of the heart inwardly, by the Spirit, not by the written code. (Rom 2:28-29)

EPHESIANS 2:12 “ remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world.”


“were separate from Christ”:

“The Christ” (Greek) in Hebrew is “the Messiah”; both mean “the Anointed One”. The Jews cherish the hope of Messiah, but we gentiles do not have this hope.

“excluded from citizenship in Israel ”:

The Jews used to be the chosen people of God. This verse indicates that excluded from God’s reign, blessings, rules and being with.

“the covenants of the promise”:

refer to the covenants between God and Israelites; such as the covenant with Abraham (Gen 15:17-21); the covenant with Moses (Exo 19:5); the covenant with David (2Sa 7) and so on.

“without God”:

means that they do not know the only true God, and they have no part or share in God.


(1) The worldly people must accept the redemption from Christ through Faith to be related to Christ.

(2) “the covenants” have the promises and also the responsibilities. The average believers only pay attention to the promises, but ignore the responsibilities.

(3) God is our hope in our life. Without God, there won’t be hope and only utterly meaningless. As to us who have faith in God, God is our hope. His riches are our riches; His glory is our glory, the hope of Glory (Col 1:27).

EPHESIANS 2:13 “ But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ. ”


“were far away”:

indicates that the gentiles not only were away from the Jews physically, but also were even further away from God spiritually.

“through the blood of Christ”:

When people come to God and receive the grace from God without any difference from the Israelites, it is because of the blood of Christ.

“brought near ”:

that is, brought near God.


(1) How precious LORD’s blood is! LORD’s blood destroy the barrier between God and us -- sins, so that we who used to be away from God, have confidence to come to God (Heb 10:19).

(2) We can come to God. On one hand, it is because of LORD‘s blood; one the other hand, it is because we are in Christ. Because He is the way, no one can come to God except through Christ. (Joh 14:6).

(3) We can have access to God after our rebirth.

EPHESIANS 2:14 “ For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility,”


“he himself is our peace”:

Christ is the peace between God and us; and reconcile us to God. (Eph 2:16).

“has made the two one ”:

We are in Christ, that is, God and us become one.

“the dividing wall of hostility”:

Our life were originally separated from God. The dividing wall was destroyed by LORD Christ Jesus.

“At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split. ” ( Mat 27:51)

“Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, ” ( Heb 10:19-20)

“Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. ” ( Heb 4:16)

Christ is our way (Joh 14:6). Only through Him, we can come to God.


(1) “For he himself is our peace”, how sweet! Because of Him, there is peace between Holy God and sinful men; without Him, there is no peace.

(2) He is the only factor to make God and us be at peace. Without Him, there won’t be peace between God and us.

(3) In Christ, we are redeemed from the transgressions and sins, and nothing can separate us from God any more. To be one in Christ is the union of God and men to be one.

EPHESIANS 2:15 “ by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace,”


“in his flesh ”:

refers to LORD Jesus’ being crucified on the cross; through this, He has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility,

“the law with its commandments and regulations.”:

The law was added so that the trespass might increase. (Rom 5:20)

“create in himself one new man out of the two”:

“one new man” refers to the believer who was reborn in Christ. The believer after the rebirth is a new mankind created by God, that is - Christ -man, who was never in the world before. The believer after the rebirth has the Spirit of Christ dwelling in; the spiritual life is renewed and united with Christ to be one and become a new creation.

“thus making peace”:

since there is only one and there is no rivalry any more. Thus, there is peace between God and us.


(1) The new man created by God is completely new and must be new. All things belong to the old one have no part in the new man.

(2) The old self must deny oneself and this can only be accomplished by carrying the cross (Luk 9:23). Only through this way, a man can show the life of Christ and be one in Christ, thus, he can truly be a new man (Gal 6:15).

(3) Many believers do not know that in themselves -- the jars of clay, there is the treasure -- the dwelling in Christ. Therefore, they live a life without ever thinking of letting Christ be in charge of their life and they still live their life according to their old selves. Others only see the old jars of clay from them. We must recognize the fact that we are new creations. We must deny ourselves and break the jars of clay to let the dwelling in Christ change our life and to truly be a new man that is one in Christ.

EPHESIANS 2:16 “ and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. ”


“in this one body ”:

does not refer to the body of Jesus in flesh, but the mysterious spiritual body. That is, the Christ-man who is one in Christ.

“reconcile both of them to God”:

“reconcile” implies be peaceful, properly matching, and in harmony with each other. Men and God did not be in harmony with each other originally and did not match. The salvation through cross solve the problem between men and God such that men reconciled to God.


(1) The peace accomplished by the cross reconciled men to God through Christ.

(2) The significance of the cross is to reconcile men to God completely. There is no barrier and hindrance in the communion between God and the believers with the rebirth any more.

(3) Only those who are willing to be crucified together with Christ and let the world be crucified for them so that to be one in Christ, can be in one body with God.

EPHESIANS 2:17 “ He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. ”


(1) It is by the guidance of the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ to preach the Gospel to the gentiles and Jews. The ACTS wrote down the work of preaching Gospel under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. All the letters of the New Testament were inspired by the Holy Spirit.

(2) Gospel is the great mission that LORD Jesus Christ gave us(Mat 28:16-20). We should work according to the Holy Spirit and seize every chance to preach Gospel to people near and far.

EPHESIANS 2:18 “ For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit. ”


“by one Spirit”:

All the works of Christ on us are carried out by the Holy Spirit.

“have access to the Father”:

“Father” is “heavenly Father”, the source of our life. We can have access to the Father; this is accomplished through the election by the Father, the accomplishment by the Son, the carrying out by the Holy Spirit, and together with that we are willing and desire to be one in Christ.


(1) The more one lives in the Holy Spirit, the more he will know the preciousness of the new life of Christ, the merits of the blood and the power of the cross.

(2) We believers come to God by the Holy Spirit. We must deny ourselves to be one in Christ so that to have access to God.

(3) We can have access to God; this is a priceless blessing. We can come to Him through prayers at any time, worship Him and give thanks and praises to Him, and also pour out our difficulties and troubles to Him and ask for His guidance and help.

EPHESIANS 2:19 “ Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God's people and members of God's household, ”


“fellow citizens with God's people”:

The purpose of God is to save us to His nation to enjoy all the rights and fulfill all the obligations.

“members of God's household”:

became a member of God's household; this household refers to the church of the living God (1Ti 3:15). The believers in the church have close relationship in life and enjoy the peace and warmth in the household of God.


(1) The household is for the life; the nation is for the authority and power. In household, it is to enjoy; in nation, it is to fulfill the obligations.

(2) Our true growth is from the life to the authority and power.

(3) The nation is where to protect us; the household is where to have a rest. We should treasure this status and should not leave the nation of God and the household of God.

(4) The believers should not be the guests in the church; while enjoying the service of others, we should also fulfill the duty of a family member.

(5) As long as being separated from the self-center and learning to deny oneself, we can taste the good of the spiritual life in the big family that is prepared by God for us.

EPHESIANS 2:20 “ built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. ”


“the foundation of the apostles and prophets”:

refer to the truth and teachings that are testified by the apostles and prophets, which are the foundations to build the church. Strictly speaking, what the apostles and prophets testifies about, is Christ Himself.

“Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone”:

To the believers who trust in and rely on Christ, Christ Jesus is the rock to hold us; is the “cornerstone” , and also the “chief stone”. Which is a sure foundation and a tested stone; which join us together and is the foundation to build us into a spiritual house.


(1) Our body is the temple of God. “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;” (1Co 6:19).

(2) We are the living stones to build the holy temple in the LORD. “you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. ” (1Pe 2:5)

(3) Jesus Christ is the foundation to build up the believers.

EPHESIANS 2:21 “ In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. ”


“rises to become ”:

The believers are the living stones (2Pe 2:5). Therefore, they can grow up. Every stone grows and is joined together by LORD, that is the holy temple.

“a holy temple ”:

refers to the dwelling for God.


(1) “ In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. ” The believers are one in Christ and joined together by Christ, and become a dwelling for God.

(2) This is not about the method, but about the growth of life. Only when we are willing to let the life of God in us to grow up freely, we will take part in building up a bigger holy temple.

(3) “ In him the whole building is joined together” indicates that the children of God must be one in Christ and have normal relationship with God, thus, have normal relationship with other saints.

(4) “the whole building”: the believers are one and have the same purpose of glorifying God. Each individual one has its own function. “whole” does not do harm to “every”; “every” does not hinder the “whole”, everyone is the member of a whole body.

(5) “a holy temple in the Lord” implies that the believers belong to LORD. The defect in the knowledge of some Christians is that they don’t know they are not their own. (1Co 6:19).

(6) Holy Temple is where to worship and pray to God. We Christians must be a royal priesthood (1Pe 2:9), a holy priesthood (1Pe 2:5).

(7) We Christians are living stones(1Pe 2:5). Therefore, we can grow up.

(8) Each believer is one in Christ. Christ will join us together to be one body, for Christ is not divided (1Co 1:13). Holy Spirit is like the cement; all the living stones are immersed in Him; Holy Spirit immerse all the children of God to be one in Christ.

EPHESIANS 2:22 “ And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit. ”


“by his Spirit”:

God is with us in Holy spirit.

“a dwelling ”:

refers to the holy temple in the verse of (Eph 2:21).


(1) The meaning of a dwelling is a place to have a rest. Only when we are one in Christ, we will please God and be as the dwelling for God.

(2) How much rest God can get in us depends on how much work we are willing to let Holy Spirit do in us.

(3) Any construction material, unless being built, will not have much value and can not be a building. The believers must also be built to be useful.

(4) Every growth of life in the believers relies on Christ completely. Apart from Him, there will not be any work of building at all.

(5) Belonging to the Spirit is the basic principle of building the spiritual house. We must deny the old self and do not live according to the sinful nature, but live according to Holy spirit (Gal 5,6) in order to be one in Christ.


1. Jiale Huang: “Christians’ Digest of the Scripture Analysis Series”.

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