
A Testimony about that the Author of the Messages is Holy Spirit

(2006-08-22 03:41:51) 下一個

A Testimony about that the Author of the Messages is Holy Spirit

1. My knowledge of the Bible was almost blank:

As mentioned in the previous testimony, the reason I became a Christian in 1998 was because when in Jerusalem, I walked on the road of LORD Jesus Christ being crucified, I was moved and felt that I could not reason on His willingness to be crucified. Although I was a Christian, all my knowledge of the Bible was only from the sermons of the pastor on Sunday and the Bible studying of the group gathering now and then. Since the church I was in is very small, what we read and learned were limited in the four books of Gospel only. Since I was very busy with studying and working, even these parts were skipped afterward. In 2002, I came to work in the Silicon Valley. The Bible studying group of the church studied the letters in the New Testament, and I was often dazzled by people’s quotes from here and there. But since I was very busy with my work, I seldom read the Bible by myself and also felt difficult to get into it. I only read some free magazines from the church occasionally such as “Overseas Campus” and “Chinese Today Monthly”.

In 2004, in the spare time of my busy life and work, I read these following books: “Knowing the Truth”; “Song of a Wanderer -- Beckoned by Eternity”; and “Evidence that Demands a Verdict”. After I pondered and searched for God for a long time, I finally got the conclusion that all the questions, no matter on science, or society and history, or a person’s life, will have answers only when there is a God, and then all the answers will be perfect. As mentioned in the previous testimony, on November of 2004, when I truly realized that every word in the Bible is about the most important facts and truth, and also, knew that nowadays God work in the same way as He worked in the age of the disciples, I pled to God in front of others in the Bible studying group gathering: “I would like ‘to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with God.’ (Micah 6:8)”. The reason that I knew this verse is because this verse was on the calendar of Bible Verses sent by the Elder. It hang on the wall in our home for two months, therefore I knew. But I didn’t know the significance of this invitation at that time.

2. I got to know Holy Spirit and the work of Holy Spirit after being guided by Holy Spirit for 9 months:

Although starting from November of 2004, I experience the special grace from the LORD. However, at first I simply took it as prayers got granted and thought that it was only about to give testimonies on God. But the helps and guidance are continuous and never stops, and also are amazingly detailed. As also mentioned previously, on April of 2005, I prayed and asked LORD: “ What He ask of me to give me these experience?” The answer is: “If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.” (Phi 2:1-5) Right on the next day, a previous church friend sent me an email. I gave her this testimony in reply to her email.

Since I have experienced the truthfulness of God, I started to preach gospel to others initiatively. It was not easy that I grabbed one of my former classmates in US who showed a little interests on the gospel. I started to write to him. Since I haven’t set up the Chinese system yet at that time and I never surf on the website, I wrote every email in English and all by myself. So it’s time-consuming and slow. Besides going to the gym and watching TV (which I give up later ), all my spare time after working was spent on writing letters to him. I wrote some letters to introduce the Bible and also tried to answer some of his questions, but it turned out to have little effect. Then I thought of what someone mentioned to me before -- to preach the Gospel is all about the “Four Laws”. I didn’t know what is the Four Laws about at that time, but since I am a Christian myself, I felt that it would be embarrassing to ask. It was a puzzle kept in my mind ever since. Now I started to search for the answer. Since I have subscribed to Reader’s Digest and they sent me a book for free called “Power for Living”. From this book, I finally found the answer. It turned out that the Four Laws were the questions and answers that the Pastor once talked to me before my baptism many years ago. But right after the “Four Laws”, I saw that it was followed immediately by the invitation of the Holy Spirit to dwell in . I don't know that Holy Spirit is also a God besides Father and Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit's dwelling-in is normal for Christians until then. It was at the end of July of 2005 -- nine months after Holy Spirit started to guide me. Only then did I realize my previous experience is actually the work from Holy Spirit.

3. Wrote the 15 messages on “A Complete Salvation“:

Once, I felt shamed about my no-growing-up before, so I prayed and asked LORD: “ Why choose me? But not the Elders and pastors?” The answer I got is: “I have no one else like him, who takes a genuine interest in your welfare.” (Phi 2:20) Of course, the wisdom of LORD can’t be fathomed. A person like me whose knowledge of the Bible is almost blank maybe can get the message from Holy Spirit without any prejudice.

Since I gave a testimony in the church, the members of the Bible studying group urged me to share more with them, and also I knew that Holy Spirit wanted me to write it down. Therefore, I started to write messages and send them to both my current and previous churches. On one hand, I was a little worried; one lacking of the knowledge of Bible like me, now wrote messages to the Elders and Pastors, will I be laughed at by others? On the other hand, I was not worried at all, I will simply write down what I have learned through my experience following Holy Spirit. Every time I sat in front of the computer to write the messages, there is nothing but a Bible at hand. In the beginning, I had no idea how many articles I will write and what I will write about. Since I was not familiar with the verses in the Bible; and need to write it in English; since I don’t have and don’t know the searching tools on the web at that time, I have to type in all the words one by one; plus I need to go to gym after work, therefore, I basically wrote and sent an article a week. (from Sep. 2005 to Nov. 2005)

Some parts of the messages are from what I have learned through the experience under the guidance of Holy Spirit in the previous 10 months. For example, whenever I have any self-complacency and self-satisfaction, I will receive the messages of rebuke. Thus, I got to know that self-pride, or self-complacency and self-satisfaction, is a very big sin that does not please LORD.

During the time of writing these messages, I got to know a little about some characteristics of the work of Holy Spirit: (1) I must make efforts to think and write, then the ideas will be given during the process. If I sit still and simply wait without any movement, Holy Spirit won’t make a movement either. (2) A characteristic of Holy Spirit’s work is working instantly, that is, He does not spend time planning beforehand and seldom let me have a draft. However, my habit of writing an article is having a draft before starting and revising the article many times after finishing. Following Holy Spirit, for many times, I sat in front of the computer and didn’t know what I was going to write. However, once I started to write, it will be finished straightly. Also after finishing it, Holy Spirit usually won’t allow changes.

Sometimes, Holy Spirit even directly offered some verses for the articles. As mentioned previously, at that time, I don’t know any searching tools yet. Since I was not familiar with the verses in the Bible, sometimes it took me a long time to look for a verse and still could not find it. In that case, I would pray to Holy Spirit and He will help me to find it. At first, when I got the favor, I was joyful greatly, and I prayed: “Would you please point out every verse to me?” Then the verse I got is a warning against being lazy.

Holy Spirit gives messages directly through the thoughts. An obvious example is: in the message on “be alert to the devil and evil spirits”, it points out that the Santa of Christmas is from the devil’s work, because he changes people’s focus on Christ on Christmas, also his false identity confuses the truthfulness of Jesus Christ. Before I wrote this message, I had no any opinions against Santa at all. I thought he reminded people of exchanging gifts and brought warmth of dear feeling to people, and seemed good.

When writing the message on “be alert to the devil and evil spirits”, thinking of the existence of the devil and evil spirits, I felt upset and a little afraid. So I prayed to LORD: “ LORD, I am weak. Please let the devil and evil spirits be far away from me.” The answer I got is: “no one is discharged in time of war” (Ecc 8:8) In the latter part of this testimony, I will talk about some fights against the evil spirits.

Holy Spirit also let me learn the truth through the experience in reality. For example, when I was writing the messages about passing the tests, I thought, based on what I already learned from Holy Spirit in the previous 10 months, I knew it all well: It is about the discipline of God, and also the tests of Abraham, Job and the tests in the wilderness out of Egypt. When I felt for sure that I have known all the knowledge and methods to pass the tests, LORD gave me a test. I found that nothing could comfort me, finally I said to LORD: “ I could not pass this test.” At this time, Holy Spirit made me know and understand that “rejoice in God only and always” is the way to pass it. It is the critical truth and way to pass the tests. Holy Spirit also guided me to write a message on it.

After writing and sending the first 8 messages, I knew that all of them did not seem to make people comfortable and cozy. In the meanwhile, people in both churches started to talk about praying. As to praying, according to the understanding of most of the people, it is all about our asking and LORD’s answering, and showing the great kindness and love of God. I thought too, this time, I will only talk about the love of God and make everyone happy. However, that is not the main message that Holy Spirit wants me to talk about. What were written down are again the messages about apart from sins and evils, denying oneself and loving God and others. Also some harsh warnings of the watchman were written down according to the situation at that time. I am usually a soft person and did this with a little reluctance. While sending the message, I thought, now I knew why most of the prophet got killed. Thanks be to God! No one complained of me about it.

After finishing writing the messages on praying, the messages were almost done. I thought the last part must be about the great mission of Christians and called everyone to make efforts to preach the Gospel. However, when I started to write, Holy Spirit directly gave the message clearly -- to Be One in Christ. I followed and didn’t know there’s anything special about it.

4. Sent messages to my classmates to preach the Gospel:

I always think that I am responsible to preach the Gospel to those I know before -- relatives and friends, including my classmates in university. However, I wanted to wait to send them the messages later after I finished all of them. Also, I was not sure whether it’s proper or not to send the messages, and how will others react to it, for there are more than 100 people in our grade. I thought there’re plenty of time for our classmates anyway, and I’ll do it later. But unfortunately, at the beginning of November of 2005, a sad news suddenly was broadcasted on the net: one of my previous classmates passed away. That girl had a gathering with us only a few years ago. I remembered I hold her arm and said that she was much thinner than before. In the past several months I had been overwhelmed by the joy because of knowing the assurance of Holy Spirit and Heaven, but now I burst into tears. Although I wrote a letter to pray for her, it was too late. The rebuke was like a whip on myself. I started to send the messages to all the classmates right away. However, I received quite a few letters of objections and asked me to stop. Only a few Christians showed their support to me secretly. I almost gave it up. At this time, Holy Spirit continually gave me this message for many times: “But I will make you as unyielding and hardened as they are. I will make your forehead like the hardest stone, harder than flint. Do not be afraid of them or terrified by them, … Go now to your countrymen in exile and speak to them. … whether they listen or fail to listen." (Ezekiel 3:8-11) I was encouraged to give a reply one by one with the help of Holy Spirit. Except those who directly gave the objections and were taken off from the list, I kept on sending all the messages to as much people as possible. Also send books and CDs to those who showed interests. Thanks be to God!

5. Started to send messages on the websites:

From the end of last December and the beginning of Jan. 2006, I started to receive messages from Holy Spirit about building and purifying the temple of God. Actually, after January, “to build and purify the temple of God” is the message that I got almost every day. What can I do? I though it’s about sending these 15 messages to more people. After setting up a Chinese system, I translated the messages into Chinese and started to post them on one Chinese website. However, there were no much reactions. Around the beginning of March, I found many Chinese Christians’ websites, so I continued to send these 15 messages. At first, I thought that the Christians will be excited to get these messages and treasure them. Unexpectedly, these messages met with objections and resistance in many of the websites. I started to write articles under the guidance of Holy Spirit to debate. But got blocked continually. Holy Spirit is my strength and comfort. Even before I opened the websites, He will let me know what the reaction is so that I won’t get panic.

6. “To Be One in Christ” is the message that Holy Spirit called me to proclaim and is my mission:

During the debates, Holy Spirit made me know that what I was called to proclaim is the message that Holy Spirit had given me before -- “to Be One in Christ.” Therefore, starting from the end of March, I devoted myself in writing and sending the message of “to Be One in Christ”. In order to demonstrate that “to Be One in Christ” is the primary theme in most parts of the Bible and is the fundamental Gospel truth, I complied and edited large amounts of verses and their explanation and analysis based on the former work ( mainly the work of Jiale Huang and Zhongdao Chen from the websites). The compiling and editing of these messages are under the guidance of Holy Spirit. Quite an amount of time was spent on sending the messages.

The process of compiling is as the following: while I was reading the former scripture explanation and analysis, I will pay attention to the signals from Holy Spirit and then I know where need to be corrected and compiled. And then I will compile it according to the will of Holy spirit. For some uncertain part, I can pray and ask. Therefore, I was simply doing the work as an instrument to follow the will of Holy Spirit.

However, such a comfortable life of an instrument ended before the book of JAMES. Holy Spirit informed me that the evil spirits started to work. Therefore, I can only do the compiling work based on what I have learned from Holy Spirit previously. I knew Holy Spirit were still there to help, but not as obviously as before.

When I was writing the message of “To Be One in Christ: the Parable of Building the Temple of God”, there was the disturbance from evil spirits at the same time. I even wrote two different articles to choose. Since building and purifying the temple of God is the message that I am most familiar with, I made the choice according to the will of LORD.

All the messages under the guidance of Holy Spirit are totaled more than 100, and 59 among them are compiled articles on the scripture explanation and analysis based on former work of others; in order that all the Christians will understand that “to Be One in Christ” is the primary theme and truth illustrated in most parts of the Bible, and is the will of God for the Christians. All thanks, praises and glories be to God!

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