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Is Roger Federer the best in tennis?

(2006-09-07 08:19:05) 下一個
Anytime you can watch Roger Federer played tennis is a treat, but watching him from courtside live last night amazed me even more because of his unbelievable footwork, his ability to get to every ball with ease. We all know he has the biggest forehand in the game, but I think his footwork and balance is his best asset. I can see more clear evidences of that watching him from courtside because I can just focus on Roger’s movement instead of being forced to watch the ball from TV camera.

Poor Marc Gicquel from France never had a chance against Roger last night as he was picked apart by powerful forehands, timely serve and volley plays and much improved consistent backhands. The match was over in 3 straight sets.

If anyone is interested and tried to imitate Roger’s backhand, here is the link for the frame by frame explanation.

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