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蟠桃(還沒完全熟,可看到成群結隊的Japanese beetles,不敢等了):

禮拜一給女兒寄點蟠桃過去。和她娘一樣的City girl,也喜歡農家新鮮蔬果。。。












周末邀請城裏的朋友來摘桃,來我家過一個農家樂周末。沒想到已經摘了兩個禮拜的白桃樹上還有那麽多;還沒完全熟的蟠桃樹大約是桃子比較甜,更吸引蟲害,每天五個十個地掉下來,剩下的不足早春的十分之一了。看著成群結隊的Japanese beetles於是也決定一起摘了。過磅一下,大約有60多斤白桃,30多斤蟠桃呢。

朋友帶走一些,分給城裏沒來的朋友,剩下幾十斤,左右鄰居同城的朋友分點, 辦公室的同事也分享一些。。當然,最重要的是遠在波士頓快兩年沒見麵的女兒了。老媽說第一次收這麽多,得給女兒寄點過去,不能隻給她看照片解饞。桃子容易爛,隻能走快遞服務,包裝好30個沒完全熟的蟠桃,加上六個差不多熟了的白桃。一個包裝6磅,今早就drop到郵局,70塊,比超市貴多了呢。連郵局工作人員都說priceless peaches! I will do whatever I can to make sure it get there on time。。。










再拿一個grant, 我又可以玩五年?

學校和Science Translational Medicine的news release昨天出來了,老板今天一進辦公室,就來找我說:電話裏一大堆病人留言呢。。。

這是昨天的News Release中一個:

Bayer's drug that turns a cancer-protective pathway toxic eradicates breast tumors in mice

Bayer's drug that turns a cancer-protective pathway toxic eradicates breast tumors in mice
by Angus Liu | Jul 21, 2021 2:00pm

Bayer's ErSO, recently licensed from Systems Oncology, eradicated tumors in mouse models of ER-positive breast cancers and reduced metastasis. (Bayer)

An investigational breast cancer drug Bayer recently licensed from Systems Oncology has shown strong antitumor responses in mice, offering early clues as to why the German pharma shelled out $25 million for the preclinical asset last September.

The drug, dubbed ErSO, works by over-activating a normally tumor-protective pathway to make it toxic for cancer cells. It eradicated both primary and metastatic tumors in mouse models of estrogen receptor-positive breast cancers, according to results published in Science Translational Medicine.

The pathway ErSO targets is called the anticipatory Unfolded Protein Response (aUPR). Through mild and transient activation, aUPR prepares ER-positive cancer cells for growth and protects them from stress such as anticancer treatment.

But in a PNAS study in 2015, a research team from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign led by biochemistry professor David Shapiro, Ph.D., showed that massive and sustained activation of aUPR with a drug could instead inhibit protein synthesis, depriving ER-positive breast cancer cells key building blocks necessary for survival.

For the new research, Shapiro and colleagues identified ErSO as a more potent aUPR hyper-activator that could selectively kill ER-positive breast cancer cells.

In multiple mouse models of ER-positive breast cancer, ErSO quickly killed off tumor cells in high numbers just days after treatment. Combined data from four mouse models showed that 38 of 39 tumors regressed by over 95%, with about half of cases reduced to undetectable levels, the team reported. Even tumors that didn’t completely disappear and regrew after stopping treatment still remained fully sensitive to another cycle of ErSO, the team found.

In another mouse model bearing mutant, patient-derived breast tumors with low expression of ER, oral ErSO treatment outperformed standard-of-care therapies tamoxifen and AstraZeneca’s Faslodex (fulvestrant) at blocking tumor growth, the team found.

“Many of these breast cancers shrink by more than 99% in just three days,” Shapiro said in a statement. “ErSO is fast-acting and its effects on breast cancers in mice are large and dramatic.”

What’s more, the Bayer drug also significantly reduced cancer metastases at multiple locations, including the lung, bone and brain, the researchers showed.

The success of Faslodex has prompted several biopharma companies to develop next-generation selective ER downregulators (SERDs). They include Sanofi, which is moving its drug, amcenestrant, into a phase 3 trial against tamoxifen after showing promising early results in combination with Pfizer’s CDK4/6 inhibitor Ibrance.

Roche is pairing its SERD drug, giredestrant, with Ibrance in the phase 3 persevERA trial. And Radius Health is working with Menarini on an oral SERD dubbed elacestrant. It expects phase 3 data from the EMERALD trial later this year.

The UIUC team noted that in mouse models, second-generation SERDs typically induced moderate regression of primary tumors. Those that were tested against metastases showed limited efficacy. And resistance is still a risk with CDK4/6 inhibitors.

Compared with the common inhibitory modes of action against ER, ErSO could offer “a turn-on approach to convert a tumor-selective protective pathway into a lethal, targeted anticancer response,” the researchers wrote in the study. The drug’s ability to target metastatic tumors and its activity in ER-low tumors that are traditionally considered ER-negative could broaden its potential therapeutic range, the researchers said.

Bayer picked up global rights to ErSO in September for $25 million upfront, and Systems Oncology is eligible to receive milestone payments of up to $345 million.

While the current study found the drug was well tolerated in mice and dogs, further safety analyses are needed before it can be tested in humans, the UIUC team said. The researchers also plan to explore ErSO’s use against other types of ER-positive cancers.


Pfizer也試著重複過我們的結果。關鍵在ER-negative乳腺癌細胞這個定義上,也是領域裏專家們讓我們為STM文章做很多revision的原因。我們的compound是一個和Tamoxifen作用原理完全不一樣的思路,我2008年的文章就開始了這個序幕--找一個estrogen binding pocket之外的compound來達到抑製estrogen receptor的功能。但當時的那個compound和drug要求的potency差太遠,一直到2015年才有了突破。目前這個是2015年找到的那個compound的第二代。。。但ER- negative是按Tamoxifen的作用原理來定義的,我們的作用原理是不是還能沿用那個定義,就成了爭論的焦點。。。最後Pfizer放棄,認為我們的compound可能不僅僅target estrogen receptor。。。

Bayer據說重複了我們的大多數試驗,但STM的文章是我們的,和Bayer沒有關係。PDX是小公司做的,他們有自己的一套體係,有contract實驗室,也知道如何推銷。Bayer不會發文章的,他們隻會往臨床方向推進。我們現在的研究方向還是走理論,臨床我們插不上手,包括病人分型,哪些基因表達是這個藥物殺死癌細胞必須的(文章接近完成),方便臨床挑選病人,當然還有別含estrogen receptor的癌症。。。小公司還是給我們的研究一些資助,不知道會維持多久,所以一個政府部門的grant還是很有必要的。



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閱讀 ()評論 (5)
雪狗2014 回複 悄悄話 看著就好吃!
cloudriver 回複 悄悄話 桃好棒!棗樹在你那裏過冬估計夠嗆,不如整幾棵亞洲梨和櫻桃樹。
mxhy 回複 悄悄話 謔,神仙日子嘛。有瓜有果有鮮魚。你提供的治白粉病信息也好及時。我學種的蔬果正深受其害呢。
Guoxue 回複 悄悄話 聽說在桃樹下種一圈蒜就不長蟲了。你明年可以試試。
蔡田田 回複 悄悄話 桃子大豐收,太讓人眼熱了!City Girl都對新鮮農副產品情有獨鍾,難道真的是缺什麽就想什麽嘛?
