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LAC的3+2 program

(2018-05-01 07:04:36) 下一個

這是一個知識大爆炸的時代。越來越多的知識成為工作的必需。如果50-60年代一個高中畢業生就能在汽車組裝的流水線上找到一個收入不錯的工作的話,今天一個養家糊口的工作往往需要一個大學文憑。這意味著年輕人在自立之前需要受教育的時間會越來越長; 或者縮小知識麵,把職業教育放在更重要的地位。無疑後者占主流。但不同的家長或年輕人在這兩個取向上的選擇會不一樣,自然就會導致不同的教育產品。

我以前提到過很多美國私利大學的本科教育重點是“素質”教育,以哥倫比亞大學的“core curriculum”最出名(見我以前寫的“美國私立大學的素質教育”一文: http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/12574/200912/28852.html)。這個模式至今還是很多LAC的教育模式,隻是不同學校對它的內容進行了更新, 以跟上社會的變遷。重視人文教育的家長也同樣會有很多職業上的實際考慮。所以,如何把人文教育和職業教育結合起來,是很多LAC的考慮方向。LAC的3+2 program其實就是迎合這類家長學生的喜好的。

LAC的所謂3+2 program就是讓學生有三年的LAC教育,大學的後兩年去職業取向更明確的Engineering College,一般情況下會拿到兩邊的本科學位。這些Engineering College和LAC有合作關係,所以,對學生前三年級的LAC教育除了GPA的要求,往往還有必修課的要求。唯一要提醒考慮這個program的家長:如果大學期間需要大學資助(need-based),後兩年的資助往往是Engineering College負責,LAC不管的。這個和大學期間去別的學校遊學半年一年,助學金還是原來學校發出來的情況不一樣。

我幾年前就研究過這個program。記得紅塵一笑網友的兒子來問大學選擇時, 因他兒子理工方麵強,我建議過這個program。大學對待這個選擇和pre-med有些相似,有專門的聯係和指導人的。有興趣的家長應該去感興趣的學校網頁上仔細研究,再和校方聯係。我把Grinnell College的3+2 program的網頁拷貝過來,供大家參考:

3-2 Engineering Program

Students planning advanced study in engineering may complete a full B.A. course at Grinnell before graduate school, or they can follow a 3-2 program in Engineering. The 3-2 program allows students to spend three years at Grinnell and two years in one of the engineering programs with which Grinnell cooperates: Columbia University, California Institute of Technology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and Washington University. (Special arrangements can sometimes be made with other institutions.) Under normal progress the student receives a B.A. degree from Grinnell at the end of the fourth year and a B.S. or B.E. degree from the cooperating institution at the end of the fifth year. 

In either case, the prospective engineer studies the natural sciences as an integral part of a liberal education. Students are required to establish at Grinnell a strong foundation in mathematics, physics, and chemistry. A broad base of knowledge in the humanities and social sciences also is strongly recommended. The required science courses are those taken by any student with a serious interest in science, so a definite commitment to engineering is not necessary until enrollment at the engineering school.

For more information about the 3-2 program, please contact the 3-2 Liaison Officer, Charles Cunningham.

If you would like to be added to the 3-2 Program e-mail list, please contact Stephanie Peterson.

Requirements for transfer to Columbia University, Washington University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, or California Institute of Technology

Typical Requirements of all four schools (please check affiliate's individual requirements) : 

Mathematics through Linear Algebra (Math 215) and Differential Equations (Math 220)
Two semesters of physics (Physics 131-132)
One semester of chemistry (Chemistry 129 or 210); more for chemical engineering programs
3.3 GPA; higher GPA is required for some programs and some schools

Special Requirements: Columbia University ("Combined Plan")

One course in computing, a knowledge of C, C++, Java, Python, or MATLAB
One course of economics
27 non-technical credit hours

Washington University ("Dual Degree") 

One course in computing (CSC 161)
Fifteen hours of humanities and social studies, with at least six hours in humanities and at least three hours in social studies

California Institute of Technology ("3-2")

Recommended: two additional courses in physics (Modern Physics and Mechanics)
A year of chemistry
Twenty-four semester hours of humanities and social studies. At least six of these hours must be in humanities (art, history, languages, literature, music, philosophy) and at least six hours must be in social studies (anthropology, economics, political science, psychology)

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute ("Transfer Admission")

One additional semester of physics
Four courses in humanities and social studies
Persons interested in chemical engineering should have a year of organic chemistry
Those interested in environmental or biomedical engineering should have some cell biology
A major at Grinnell must be completed, but credit to complete it can be transferred back from the engineering school. Usually a Grinnell major in chemistry, computer science, mathematics, or physics is required
Please note that Grinnell College financial aid does not extend to the student's time at the engineering school. Check with the engineering school for their current financial aid policy.


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