
A-mao (熱門博主)
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(2013-04-20 07:52:55) 下一個



打印好教練的email,周五回家就審問了:What's wrong with you? French, F!

兒子一臉的迷惑:Impossible! I just got an A for last quarter. 他自己看了看教練的email,馬上上網去查自己的成績去了。

五分鍾後終於找到了原因:My French teacher's record showed that I did not submit my homework on Tuesday. However, I did it!

老爸知道兒子雖然messy,但家庭作業還是很少有錯過的。所以,就順水推舟地把這個推給了老師和教練:This is not my problem. This is yours. You better talk to your French teacher, and then communicate with your coach.

兒子比老爸還著急,馬上就給法文老師寫email。一個小時後田徑訓練前還上網看老師回沒回,當訓練完了又再次查看。老爸看他可憐,就說:It is Friday. Don;t expect your teacher check her email on weekend.

禮拜六,老媽加班,留下兒子和老爸shopping。在Sam's Club,兒子被在那裏巧舌如簧,“練攤”賣刀的saleman吸引住了。父子倆站那裏聽完了全程,兒子居然也被打動了,催老爸花了50塊錢買回來一套據說值兩百的廚房刀具。兒子說:The salesman is a great speaker. He talk so smoothly, fast but clearly for everybody to understand. 

老爸趁熱打鐵:You can practice your skill on Monday, too. Just be sweet to your teacher and coach. To your French teacher, you should show your honesty, telling her that you have never missed any homework assignment in school and you clearly remember you submitted on Tuesday. However, if she insists that you did not, then, you should offer to re-do it and get some credit out of it. Keep in mind that if you get 0 point out of the assignment, you need ten 100-point assignments to make an A for your overall grade. If you get 50 points out of the assignment, you  only need four 100-point assignments to make an average A. 

禮拜一,兒子從學校回來,開心地說: I spoke to my French teacher, and she found my missing homework assignment. 等田徑訓練回來,給老爸說:I explained to my coach about what happened in my French class. On Tuesday, I can go to training, but not the contest since it is too late to add my name in.

一個F, 兒子從中體會到自己家庭作業和與老師打交道的重要,也算是不錯的結局。孩子就是在這類扯皮中成長的。

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閱讀 ()評論 (4)
A-mao 回複 悄悄話 回複青羊宮的評論:
Yes, a "Sorry", according to my son.:).
A-mao 回複 悄悄話 回複ncpga的評論:
I like the rule, too.:).
青羊宮 回複 悄悄話 Did he get an apology from the French teacher?
ncpga 回複 悄悄話 Good way!