
A-mao (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2009-07-12 07:36:44) 下一個
(一) 助學金(need-based)

助學金是為了幫助收入不高,不能承擔孩子的全部大學費用的家庭的。但這個“收入不高”是一個太模糊的定義,所以,每所大學都有自己的計算標準。(各所大學之間的這個標準不完全一樣,但非常相近。) 大學通過計算每個家庭的Expected family contribution (EFC)來決定給每個學生提供多少幫助。簡單的說,大學先計算一個孩子在大學的全部開銷,包括學費,書本費,來回的旅費,生活費等等,然後再計算 EFC,全部開銷減掉EFC,就是大學提供給學生的一個Need-based financial aid package了,也就是助學金。

這個package的組成分三個部分:Grant/Scholarship, loan,和work/study program。 Grant/scholarship是不需還的,也就是所謂的free money。學校提供的loan(貸款)一般是低息,在大學四年也是不需還的,所以這種優惠貸款是要有需求的人家才能拿到的,是助學金的一個部分。 work/study program是孩子在學校裏打工,掙點零用錢。這個一般不多,從一千到四五千,畢竟孩子還是上學為主。要指出的是有的學校會給孩子安排一個工作機會,有的學校不一定安排。另外,校園打工的工資相對低,所以,孩子熟悉周圍環境後,很多會選擇校外的工作機會。

如何比較不同學校之間的package呢?顯而易見的是grant/scholarship的多少和比例,因為這是free money。其實,一個學校的好與差在一定程度上也反映在grant/scholarship在助學金裏的比例。好學校,校友捐款多,當然會給學生更多的scholarship/grant。 Grant/scholarship的來源也會因人而不同,有政府的,私人設立的特殊基金。但作為學生本人,不必為這個操心。學校在安排的時候都會根據學生的情況來決定。如政府的pell grant,隻有合乎條件的家庭才能享受。




近兩年的變化部分,我沒有詳細研究,家長可以自己研究一下。同時希望家長閱讀CNN的Money 101章節,那是家庭理財的入門參考,包括不同經濟狀況的家庭的孩子大學費用的準備。我的準備戰略隻適合我自己的經濟狀況。

CNN Money101的website是: http://money.cnn.com/magazines/moneymag/money101/index.html

另外,這個website也提供許多有用的信息和工具: www.finaid.org

助學金是每年根據上一年的家庭收入情況進行調整的。所以,孩子上大學前一年家長就要開始(申請early decision的,要再前一年的稅表)就要收集各種報稅的表格和資料。孩子申請大學的那一年,稅表會來不及填,就得把數據寄給學校和聯邦相關機構,往往會手忙腳亂,提前收集資料(包括最後一張工資單),保留前一年的稅表就會很有幫助。孩子進了學校,每年還得提供這些數據,但時間上沒有申請那年緊張。大學都是先處理新生,再處理在校的學生。一般情況下,家庭經濟情況變化不大的話,學校的助學金變化也不大。學校實際上是在第一年把後麵三年的計劃準備好了,所以,變化不大,助學金不會有太大變化。但家庭經濟情況出現巨變,尤其是在經濟情況不好的時候父母失業,我能說的是有錢的好學校可能會有能力調整,一般學校就難以預測了。


獎學金是給合乎特定條件的申請人的。這種比較常見的有體育方麵的人才。純粹給學習成績好的Scholarship/fellowship,在頂尖大學裏幾乎沒有。所以,對於有誌於藤校的家長和孩子,要先有思想準備--沒有獎學金!但一些二流三流大學,為吸引好學生,也會有這類僅憑好成績就能拿到的獎學金。對於這些大學,我建議家長和孩子要深入了解這些學校。有些學校會有比較好的program,值得孩子和家長值得全麵考慮和衡量。對於不喜歡競爭的孩子,這些學校還有獨特的地方:孩子在這種學校裏會有鶴立雞群的感覺,GPA會比較高,有利於今後申請graduate program。所以,家長要識貨。

在考慮學校提供的獎學金的同時,家長不要忘了獎學金的另一個來源:許多美國的企業和組織設立Scholarship/fellowship。這類獎學金各有其特殊的條件,家長和孩子要一個一個去研究,再決定申請與否。這些獎學金的數目一般不大,從幾百到幾千,但孩子可以申請多個,有時同一篇Essay, 稍微改動一下,就可以申請另一個,值得一試。

要指出的是拿學校助學金的孩子,如果你拿到了學校外麵的獎學金,這個是要報告給學校,並會從need-based financial aid package裏扣除。但這並不一定是壞事--許多學校可以容許學生/家長選擇扣除的部分--如果是loan或者work/study部分,不是很好嘛。


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閱讀 ()評論 (8)
雪狗2014 回複 悄悄話 我們都自己出了 當時兩個人都有工作
A-mao 回複 悄悄話 回複Yangtze430030的評論:

寫這些文章的目的是給後來人的。也是經曆過才敢寫下來。想著那些還在為孩子大學學費準備的父母, 因為剛拿到了女兒大學第二年的資助就寫下來的。及沒有向炫耀,也沒有什麽可炫耀的,更沒有貶低哪所學校的意思。讀我的博客的也大多是我生活中的朋友。所以,要舞蹈了他們,我也不好意思。既然提出來了,也是好事,至少我知道WU有merit-based資助了。


Yangtze430030 回複 悄悄話 Another forum for WshU Admission:

Yangtze430030 回複 悄悄話 As a parent who just underwent the process, I agree with A-mao almost completely. I believe he/she just went through the college application also. A-mao spent some time on this and we should be grateful for his/her effort and be nice about him/her instead of charging him/her for misleading. Intentionally misleading is a pretty serious charge in my opinion. One of the reasons that 頂尖大學 do not provide merit-based scholarship is that almost all of the students are super smart (I am not saying that they are all very start because it’s obvious that there are some who are not all that smart but at least good enough), it’s almost impossible to grant merit-based scholarships to some but not other students. Also, they already met 100% of the family financial needs and do not need to provide any further financial aid based on merits.

In terms of definition of 頂尖大學, there is no uniform one and is highly controversial. Some people set more stringent criteria and other have more relaxed ones. Most people will agree that HYP will do if we set the criterion really stringent. Some people may say HYPSM. None of the above criteria are acknowledged by all and nobody says that other colleges other than HYPSM are not good. The first few of them come to my mind will be Duke, CalTech and Chicago in my opinion. Of cause, Columbia, Penn will be in the list also. MatheTeacher is particularly defensive about Washington University. I believe he/she meant Washington University in St. Luois (WashU or WUSTL). I am in medical field and I know WashU is particularly good in medicine. But overall it’s going to be a step lower than HYPSM for sure. If A-mao sets the criteria really stringent then HYPSM are first class and WashU is second class. Nothing is wrong about it. Super rich schools can afford financially-blind need-based scholarships but most of the schools can not. Undergraduate admission at WashU is NOT a FINANCIALLY-BLIND process, which sets apart WashU from HYPSM. As far as I know, if you get into WashU, their facilities are pretty good but a lot of things are going to be more expensive comparing to many other colleges. Also, WashU financial aid has a greater room to negotiate than most of the colleges. In other words, you will get a low-ball offer and the college expects you to bargain. I am not saying that financial aid from other colleges can not bargain, but the room is not going to be as large. WashU is well known for some admission practices that is not very fair to some applicants and I am not going to elaborate here. A sign of that is that WashU will send you note once every few days to encourage you to apply. You may only get a couple of them from HYP the whole application season. Don’t get me wrong, WashU is a great school. But a lot of people just don’t like some of its admission practices. You can look at collegeconfidential.com for some more: http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/washington-university-st-louis/668452-wash-u-admissions-need-blind.html.

Again, thank A-mao for a great summary of the college financial aid.
A-mao 回複 悄悄話 另外,老兄要把知道的一流大學有獎學金的名單列出來,也是功德無量的事,便於後來人參考。我也一定出子女壇更改。 WU是相當不錯的大學。我的二三流絕不敢包括WU。我沒有研究每一所一流學校,所以,我用了“幾乎”一次,而不是“完全肯定”。
A-mao 回複 悄悄話 回複mathteacher的評論:

You better check IVY system, see whether they have merit-based scholarship or not.

I am not an expert. I only write based on my own experience and knowledge. I have no intention to misleading anybody.
mathteacher 回複 悄悄話 Sounds like you are an expert in college scholarship. "純粹給學習成績好的Scholarship/fellowship,在頂尖大學裏幾乎沒有"。What's your definition of 頂尖大學? "但一些二流三流大學,為吸引好學生,也會有這類僅憑好成績就能拿到的獎學金。" I know that there are several academic fellowships covering four year tuitions in Washington University. According to your definition, Wash U is 二流三流大學, right? Don't be misleading here.