2007 (124)
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征得兒子的同意,把上二年級兒子最近得“Golden Pencil”獎(班級)的作文放這裏。看樣子,兩點值得和大家share: 1.多讀書,孩子才能有想象力。2.這個年紀的孩子區分不了“imagination”和“lie”的差別。父母要說明一下。
我們今天還在討論“說謊”和“想象”的區別。兒子以前是決不寫不“真實”的故事,認為那是“lie”。今天再次給他解釋,“Lie is for some popurses and may hurt other people. When you write a story, you don't have the purpose to hurt anybody. So we call it imagination.”看來兒子有那麽點明白這中間的差別了。
Playing Baseball (10-30-2007)
My friend Alex pitched a fast ball. He was pracktsing (practising) his throwing. Now we were ready to play some baseball.
Alex threw a fast ball and I missed the ball and it happend (happened)over and over again. So I watch (-ed) carfuley (carefully) so I could hit the ball.
It was the last time that Alex was going to throw the ball. The ball came closer and closer...
And I smacked the ball! The ball went sailing across the yard. It was the first time I hit a ball!