
A-mao (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2007-09-30 08:26:13) 下一個

老爸老媽給兒子開了銀行戶頭,可兒子手裏的錢還找不到機會放進去。老爸老媽給兒子開戶的目的是讓兒子學基本的money sense,當然要讓兒子參與。所以,昨天,老爸是“百忙”中抽出時間,帶兒子去銀行存錢。

昨天上午8點半出門,就和兒子講好,先上9點的遊泳課,然後是10點的功夫課。12點老爸接他,然後去銀行存錢。一聽要存錢,兒子激動得把他的所有money, 還有記錄本拿出來,交給老爸。老爸提醒他:“Do you want to keep some money at hand in case you want to spend it?”兒子這才決定留下二十幾塊錢,交給老爸40塊。

昨天的遊泳課因學校的football比賽,老師沒有心思好好上而提前下課。老爸一看還有時間,馬上和兒子趕往銀行。到了銀行,老爸帶著兒子一起排隊。輪到兒子,老爸推了兒子一下,兒子上前卻不知道說什麽。老爸隻好提醒:“You want to save money to your account, right?”

兒子連忙點頭,把手裏的40塊錢和記錄本遞給和顏悅色的cashier。Cashier一麵誇獎兒子,一麵遞過來一張Deposit ticket,告訴兒子:“You have to fill a deposit ticket first if you want to put money into your account.”

老爸接過來,對兒子說:“I will fill for you today. See, we have to fill the date, account number, name, and cash amount. ”老爸邊填邊讓兒子看。很快就好了,再遞回給cashier。

Cashier又把頭伸出來,對兒子說:“See this back side, you can put number here if you have a check. ” 然後遞給兒子一張receipt,告訴兒子:“You are doing great! This is your receipt. You should keep it. I am not going to fill your record book. You know, it is your record, so you should do by youself.”兒子點點頭,不知道該說什麽。老爸連忙說:“Thank you.”兒子才反應過來,接著老爸說“Thank you.”呢。

回到車上,兒子就開始和老爸討論錢的事:“Dad, are you going to  give me allowance soon?”

老爸說:“Sure, how about 2 dollars a week?”

“But the Berenstain Bears get 20 dollars a week”兒子拿他讀過的書作依據呢。

“Yes. But I should make the decision for how much, right? When you get older, I may give more as allowance. By the way, you also have your responsibility to get allowance, right?”老爸和兒子討價還價了。

“Ok, what is my responsibility?”

“Get homework and piano practice done nicely everyday. Help mommy clean up your room,too. You can also earn money if you write a good story, such as today about your trip to bank to save your money.”老爸交待兒子。



回到家,兒子在老爸的幫助下,寫了十句話的story。老爸給他安排了一個binder,把故事放進去。給他一塊錢作獎勵。這是為了應付兩天前他老師給老媽話:“Your son's reading is super. I have not found another kid to match him  and to read together (幾個和兒子水平相當的都去了gifted program). His math is great, too. However, his writing skill needs some improvement.”


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