(2007-03-02 08:22:45)
兒子的少林功夫班應邀在本地的華人新年晚會上表演,兒子也就理所當然的上台去秀了秀他大半年所學的拳腳功夫了。過了新年,朋友送來了一張有兒子照片的報紙。 老爸一看,衝兒子喊了一嗓子:“Son, you are famous now! You see, you are on thenewspaper!”
小人兒正在自己玩玩具,頭都沒抬:“Well, dad, since I am famous, you should give me 10 bucks as reward.”
“Come on, you are famous, you should give me money.”老爸和兒子吵開了。
“No! You give 5 bucks to sister when she gets an A from school. So I should have reward for this.” 兒子可是見錢眼開地。
“Ok, Ok. But this is not an A. So it is only worth a quarter.”老爸隻有討價還價的份了。
“Ok. A quarter. Put into my pig bank.”
(---how old is this celebrity?)