
A-mao (熱門博主)
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Am I a grandpa?

(2007-01-03 06:36:16) 下一個


這幾天兒子和姐姐天天玩Harvest Moon,學當farmer。姐姐當然會玩得多,已經遠遠地在弟弟前麵:從有“女朋友”到“結婚”,都有“兒子”了。昨天正好姐姐不在,就一個人猛玩,要趕上姐姐。到中午,我在樓上的計算機上,聽到樓下的音樂,就問兒子:“What's going on?”

“I am finally married!”

“OK, Keep going.”

等到一個小時後,老爸下樓,再問兒子:“ 趕上姐姐沒有?”

“Almost! I am a dad now, with one son. You see, this is my wife.”

“ What's her name?”

“I don't remember.”

想想正是教育兒子的好機會,就對兒子說:“ Wow, you have to work hard, and earn more money since you have a family to support now. You can not be lazy any more.”

“ I know. I only have a few hundred dollars now.”

“By the way, I am a grandpa now, right?”

“Don't be silly,dad! You are not even in the game!”


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beibei_sd2004 回複 悄悄話 Thanks for the nice tip.
Will give it a try :-)

A-mao 回複 悄悄話 Reply to 小寶爹:

Thanks a lot. My son is in school now.

Terrible 2, haha. You may want to read some books to learn how to deal with him. To 耍賴時候滿地打滾, the only way is that you walk away from him. No need to have a time-out for it.

You know, at this age, he's testing you--where are the limits he can go. So if you pay no attention, he's smart and knows this is not the way to get what he wants.
beibei_sd2004 回複 悄悄話 Glad to learn your son is much better now.
你兒子這麽小就會持家理財, 將來一定長江後浪推前浪!
我兒子最近越來越有terrible two 的苗頭, 耍賴時候滿地打滾. 現在try time out. 不知老郭當年有活妙招.

A-mao 回複 悄悄話 Reply to XUX:

Thanks for yur visiting. My sonis getting much better now, though he sleeps a lot. I guess he's trying to catch up something he missed during the days he was sick. He needs to eat more to get back the strength. Hopefully by this weekend, he can get back to normal.

Like any kids at his age, he's a trouble maker, too. I guess it's of fun to watch them growing up.
xux 回複 悄悄話 Your son is so cute. Glad he is getting better.