
A-mao (熱門博主)
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A question from my son's teacher

(2006-08-17 06:31:50) 下一個
The teacher has worked many years in the pre-school and is a very good one. We have chat daily. This is what she said to me yesterday.

"Based on my observasion, children from Chinese families ( she has noracial problem, I am sure.) seem not very active, and are shy at thevery beginning. I know they are smart. However, a lot of kids don'tknow what to do when I give them some toys during the first few days.They always ask for directions, while other kids are more active. However, the kids from Chinese families will catch up soon. What exactly do you chinese parents do at home to your kids? How do youraise them? Seems there is something chinese parents are doing differently from american parents."

I like to chat with her, and appreciate her thoughtful comments. However, she complained yesterday a lot of chinese parents seems shy,too.

I replied to her, "most chinese parents are spoiling their kids at home--don't let their kids do much at home except study. I kind of do that to my kids, too."

"I understand. It might be a way in China. However, remember your kids will grow up in the United States and will live their lives here. You have to adjust."

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