[建議]Need help on offer too: (ZT)
(2006-08-22 11:39:38)
[建議]Need help on offer too: (ZT)
Position: VP in Supply Chain plus some product development,etc. resposibility
Employer: A Manufacturer Startup
Location: A coastal city in Norther China
Contract terms: 5 years
Salary: $150,000
Healthcare: US health care with international coverage.
Homeleave visit: one coach airticket for each family member per year.
Bonus: None, but inflation adjustment and RMB inflation protection
Retirement: don't know yet
Tax: in general agree to tax equalization
Stock option:yes, should be more than total of 5 years salary if successful
Relocation: will have, TBD
Housing Subsidy: $1500/month
Car Assistant: $500/month
Education assistance for children: one kid international school tuition reimbursment
I also have been in US for 10 years. My US work experience is only 4 years. But my work experience is very unique and probably there are fewer than a dozen people in US have exactly my qualification (Chinese, degree, expertise area, network in China).
I am before final step to get the GC (My wife is getting it through her NIW).
I plan to move and bring one kid with me. He will live in Shanghai with my mother in a nice apartment, attend international school. I will commute almost each week back to see him. My wife will stay in US with the younger one and try to get the GC and citizenship later.
My confusion is:
Can I take this kind of psuedo expat package or not? Do I have to or can I pay US tax if I want to be back to US after 5 years. Can I benefit from tax equalization? Do I also have to pay Chinese tax. Since this is a start up, the founders don't know much about this kind of questions. They want to me to find out the answer.
Because my experience, should I ask for a better benefits package?
Thanks all!