
What's the New Year's Resolution For 2013?

(2013-01-01 14:13:47) 下一個
What's The New Year's Resolution For 2013?

As  the showers of confetti  from the grand celebration party at Times Square began to be cleaned up by the sanitation crews and the champagne hangover I got at Four Seasons last night is still bothering me, I am actually  starting to wonder what  should be my new year's resolution(s) (btw, so should you.)

The truest answer is , at this headache point, I have no clue what should mine be. :((

People, I am stuck! If you  can help me out, please give me some good ideas to make me  a better, smarter, healthier or wealthier guy, whatever, I am all ears.:))

放上一首YX AJ 喜歡的歌曲- Drenched by 曲婉婷。一個有點聲樂天賦亞籍男生的翻唱版,他人雖然長的不出眾,但聲音表現還算不弱。

讓世界軟資源重新組合並令人振奮的時空,說不定會帶給國人帶來前所未有的機遇,並且提供彰顯風采的殿堂。Who knows。:)

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縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 回複盈袖2006的評論:
I almost missed AJ's comments, I usually don't spend much time at my own blog as I don't like my own writings. :)

Thank you for your kind encouragement. Yes, She is my dad's mom, a very sweet, intelligent, and graceful lady, indeed. You may not know: my grandma is very special mentor to me - one of those significant pillars for making me today. For those years while my dad studied in Germany and my mom was a busy doc tied up in the maternity ward. It's was my grandma who spent tons of time and efforts to comfort and teach me day and night.

Today I only spend a fraction of my time to be with her, I feel kind of guilty, you know what I mean, but I will keep trying to do more.

I am glad that you and I seem having similar taste for music. :) In addition, I also like heavy and fast stuffs as well, that may be contributed by gender and years we grew up.
盈袖2006 回複 悄悄話 回複縱然平行的評論:


縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 回複盈袖2006的評論:

問AJ好! 我的園中已經好久不見你的芳蹤,是不是最近把時間和精力都放在互述衷腸的”speed dating“ 上了? 不要太重色輕友/弟, 好伐?:)

我好婆聽力有一點喪失,但總體的健康狀況還不錯。思維和記憶也很到位。她常常使用ipad 加上耳機和我用facetime聊天,有的問題問得我抓耳撓腮還要姆媽在旁邊救助,我絲毫不敢掉以輕心。 :)為你外婆的健康祈禱。

”好激情的一首歌,縱然要進入激情的一年。。“ 是嗎?如果你有這樣的檊嚼,那都是出自阿蘇“教唆”得結果,她新年伊始就給我定方向啦(2013 和 2014),哪敢違命,排骨男的胳膊擰不過美人腿哈。 :((
盈袖2006 回複 悄悄話 這麽熱鬧,我來晚了!

縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 回複tern2的評論:
“你一定會玩什麽樂器吧?” 答案是: 什麽樂器都不會,隻會誇誇其談, 真的。 :))

是啊, 可惜,嚇走了的美眉都不會再回來了,因為, 好馬不吃回頭草,覆水難收, 對吧。現在想起來,虧/愧大啦。:((

tern2 回複 悄悄話 回複縱然平行的評論:

縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 回複tern2的評論:
"...我聽了幾乎一天。。。旋律一直on and on,and on..." Really ? That's not a good sign.:)

From the "symptom" described, you might be a victim of flu, or music intoxication. Neither of them is pain free, though. :)

Just kidding you. I am glad that you enjoy classical masterpieces, too. I certainly share your affinity.
In my eyes, that cellist played the piece very well with tremendous skills. That said, I think she could advance her career in international level by deploying better body language and engaging facial gestures to interpret the deep layers of composer's unspoken sentiments in these great pieces more seamless.

Please gave a toasty warm weekend and make a new recording cover if you could. We share deep freezing weather conditions I am assuming.
tern2 回複 悄悄話 真迷人!縱然可能不信,我聽了幾乎一天。。。旋律一直on and on,and on...
縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 回複tern2的評論:

音頻有些短? 時下不是很流行微博短信嗎?:)

好吧,放一個即長又非傳統的舒伯特a小調奏鳴曲給你聽. 雖然吉他的音域音色都不能和鋼琴相提並論, 但是吉他和大提琴的奇特組合卻給舒伯特的這部非常重要的作品帶來嶄新的表現。

"。。。我還是以前那個老樣子,看來我是沒法改變了." 嗨, 不要忘了, 你可是我們當中礪誌大師哈,怎麽可以隨心所欲改變新年決心?:)

tern2 回複 悄悄話 過來看看帥哥才子。
縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 回複花自飄飄零的評論:

花自飄飄零 回複 悄悄話 浪漫。
縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 回複小米和小麥的評論:


你的意思是,我敬你一尺,你敬我一丈? 轉換成紅包的話, 就是;我給你十粒米,你會回贈我一百粒米。 嗯,這種賺錢的交易,我很傾心哈。:)。 街上的人,比較貪婪,冷血,你懂的。 不過,你擁有富饒的糧倉,區區紅包是小兒科啦, 對吧?。
小米和小麥 回複 悄悄話 回複縱然平行的評論:


縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 回複蘇鄉門地的評論:

Thank you for your kind recognition for my previous words that expressed my affections and appreciations toward my grandma. That is very sweet of you.

I am thinking to write or rewrite few piece just keep some steady "pressures" on myself in order to fulfill my new year's resolution.

Appreciate your well-wish for my grandma. I talked with her this early morning on facetime, she is doing well, kept asking me when she would be able to see a grandchild. I am so stressed out for that part. :(
縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 回複小米和小麥的評論:

怎麽這麽早就為過年的紅包到逐家逐戶打點? 不過,我小聲的提醒一下美女,據說,國人發紅包是有規矩d:1)拜年在先,紅包在後。2)長幼有序,不可逾越。

馬(拉鬆)照跑沒問題,但是,愛情短跑has a huge issue, 很難為情的告訴你,no girl likes me because I am a poor, ugly, nerdy, stinky, greedy and useless dude, 腫木拌?

縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 回複tern2的評論:
Objection! Your Honor, the requests made by the counsel are NOT relevant to the resolution/case. :))

Hey, the demands on you "black mail" are absolutely illicit extortions if not a cyber bullying act. You'd better redo/resubmit your suggested resolution list, otherwise, I am afraid that FBI agents could knock on your door. You don't want that happen, do you? :)

Just kidding you, let me digest your suggestions see how much impact I am able to absorb without jeopardizing overall integrity.
tern2 回複 悄悄話 2013 Resolution For 縱然:
1.Spend more time with grandma。
2.Exercise keeps you healthy. Keep on your marathon runnings.
3.Shed extra pounds. A Oh, this one might not fit 縱然:)
4.Quit 大碗喝酒,大塊吃肉,亞曆山大.
5.Enjoy life more, like, take up a new hobby, or try your hand at painting.(don't forget to show us your paintings someday)
6.Quit maladaptive daydreaming as the photo on your profile page.
7.Last but foremost, show us the pictures of you on your blog:)
小米和小麥 回複 悄悄話 我今天表現很好,幾乎每家我認識的都跑到了。:)


蘇鄉門地 回複 悄悄話 回複縱然平行的評論:

Electronically and physically, sounds wonderful ZR! As you wrote in your prior commentaries, many many times, I know how special your grandma means to you, she is and should be loved and cherished in any possible ways by her beloved grandson. I wish her a very Happy 2013 and in good health!

Take care!
縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 回複蘇鄉門地的評論:

新年好! 書香美眉, 新年狂歡後留下的禮物 - 頭疼不堪,哪有心思挖坑? 再說,挖坑要有才華,時間和人氣;我一樣都不具備哈。:)

“據說2013,意味著愛您一生,下年2014,愛您一世..." 那麽,由此推下去,2015意味著愛她一午,或者一個黃昏? :))怎麽新年伊始就佈置給我這麽又大又重的一個課題,吃不消。:)

Just kidding you, I got your point. Actually, Love/affection has long been main theme in my entire life — and still is and will be for the presumed future, I believe.

Speaking of new year's resolution of 2013, after giving it some thoughts, I've made my mind. That is , to spend more time and efforts to be with my grandma, electrotonically and physically. My grandma is losing some part of her hearing since last year, I hope I can make her happier by making myself more available for her as she is aging. As you may know, my grandma was one of the major pillars that made me today. I need to pay back her love before time could be running out on me.
縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 回複花自飄飄零的評論:

新年好, 飄飄美眉。

是的,旅行的確是一件快樂瀟灑的事情。 不過,回到家,馬上又要上班又要調時差,恨不得關上辦公室的門,痛痛快快地睡幾小時。 但是。。。 最後,隻好靠喝黑咖啡來撐住眼皮,苦不堪言啦。:)

花自飄飄零 回複 悄悄話 玩得很開心吧?浪漫之旅。
祝縱然新的一年事業更上一層樓,no no,是很多層樓!祝愛情甜蜜蜜!
蘇鄉門地 回複 悄悄話 這就是傳說中的坑吧。 既然你挖坑,那總有至少一個要來添^_^。

