
Every chance I get, I Will Run Marathon (圖)

(2012-11-12 18:49:11) 下一個

Sunday Nov 4th, 2012,  the sunshine poking through thick clouds on deep grey  morning sky made a typical autumn  day in Manhattan so peaceful. The crispy, cool and calm weather accompanied with a little  of NW wind seemed  perfect for attending any event that was big or small in the city where over 8 million of dwellers call  hometown.  For past 40 year, on a   Sunday in autumn  like Nov. 4th  this year, tens of thousands of New Yorkers as well as thousands of athletes from oversee are supposed to get together to carry on a cherished tradition - run NYC marathon. Yet this year, first time in the NYC history, such well-cherished ritual was aborted at the last minute because of devastation left by the wrath of Hurricane Sandy.

To me, the cancellation of marathon was a big letdown. After months and months of training and sweating, not mention the high expectation to break my own PR. But when the day finally arrived, it was brutally snatched away by the jaws of  furious Sandy.

People may think me as a snobbish and heartless guy who puts self-interest above the victims of Sandy, but the very truth was  just opposite. My heart  and thoughts went to the people who suffered in the storm and the aftermath. As the matter of fact, I went to Staten Island  on Nov. 4th to participate relief efforts with  my fellow Road Runner Club members  while actively raising fund for the Sandy’s  victims immediately after the super storm passed.  

The agonizing reality for many runners including me was that we felt torn between two forces in the spectrum. On one side, we believed that the cancellation was an absolutely right thing to do morally in order to preserve the sacred resources to help tens of thousands of victims get back on their feet.  Yet on the other side, we lamented that  months of trainings and sacrifices were being  practically short changed. Take me for an example,  after putting on over  3,200 miles on my legs and wearing off  two pair of running shoes,  I felt very disappointed .

Nevertheless, I learned an important lesson from the marathon cancellation:  A catastrophic occurrence gives no concerns to the day that is circled in ink and being looking forward to living through by any person on the planet. In fact, disasters don’t even care about meticulous plans,cherished moments, decorated homes, precious belongings even invaluable human lives.   

Although Hurricane Sandy ruined this year's marathon, as people often say “Every cloud has a silver lining.” I see myself to become motivated and determined than ever before, ready to run when every chance is given.

Note: From the lens, it seemed that on the color palette, NYC has the deepest blue hue on the sky, SZ places the second and SH ranks the least. :(  A Su and others please don't "accuse" me to play favoritism here, okay ? The mater of the fact is that I simply tell the truth, and I like all of three cities since they affect me each and every day.

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縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 回複蘇鄉門地的評論:

Thanks for your perpetual cheering, much appreciated.

I think, I believe you'd agree, that one of the most difficulty things in our lives to accomplish is to be simple and elegant at the same time. Oftentimes I felt so inadequate to render such two obvious parts in one outcome when looking and reading other peoples' works. :(
蘇鄉門地 回複 悄悄話 We walked by that 人 tower a few times during our last visit, I did not know it's a she :). So simple and elegant! Gracious indeed!

Came to say hi, the music is cheering and player frenetically ------拽 :)

Stay cool!
蘇鄉門地 回複 悄悄話 Thank you so much for the response ZR! What you said here really resonated with me. Your thought is kind and your analysis very insightful.

I hate to admit but it's true, each time I returned from my mainland trip, I grew some pessimism about my hometown. What I saw and heard back there became more and more unfamiliar, in terms of the crowds, the landscape and of course, the new modern architecture developments of SZ. By the way, that bank building does remind me of the Chrysler tower, a typical 山寨 version? :)) Ok, enough sarcasm. Last summer, when I saw several bold-designed and eye-popping architecture towers in Cheng Du Sichuan, I certainly did not feel that much awkwardness.

As for traditional calligraphy, I don't think I could teach him a whole lot of it, but I know if I begin DIY at home, it will bring some fringe benefits to him even just let him watch what I do. You are right, it should be a doable job for me :D 恩,要從自己做起.
縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 回複蘇鄉門地的評論:

As a firm believer of culture preservation, I think you should assist your prince to acquire the appreciation of Chinese language as well as Chinese handwriting by helping him develop a taste for Chinese traditional calligraphy as well as to cherish the tool-set of ink brushes,ink,inkstones and paper. It should be a doable job for you, and he will be very glad someday that you gave him a precious gift of heritage.

Although China's booming architectonic scenes in big or medium sized cities have been very productive, pioneering and even iconic in certain aspects, somehow I felt, as you pointed out, that the side of physical planning of city development is still lack of oversight in terms of how to stop accelerated erosion of old neighborhoods, which often leave more than just some unsavory taste from artistic point of view when newer, bigger and taller modern skyscrapers erect and dominate in those century old districts. Maybe it is the growing pain for a awaken giant temporarily. Hopefully, as China becomes more sophisticated and environmental conscientious, it will learn from other developed countries to preserve and protect its own architectural treasures without sacrificing unique neighborhoods' characteristics and leaving compunction for years to bear.

No,the blue sky of the early morning in SZ on the pic was real, and there's no post production involved since I don't see why photos should be psed in the first place, and the same rational applied to women's breasts; should they be "beefed" up for the so called perfect-pair ? :)
蘇鄉門地 回複 悄悄話 謝縱然鼓勵。 其實寫字真的很怡情養生。這次父親回國不久,他就在自己小居室內搭了個臨時簡易書桌,那天視頻上看見,很欣慰。 他說天氣冷不出門,就有事可幹了。 小時候父親督促我練字的情形,頓時間竟栩栩如生,悅然眼前。。。

太搞笑了! 你居然還看到在織的"小秋褲"。 不管元芳怎麽看,我真的很想聽聽貝老貝聿銘怎麽看d。

天空是PS的麽?難以置信的藍。 君不見,環境的人為打造下了大功夫,完全都可忽略天然去雕飾的蘊意。 如今的新蘇州人,究竟以這座城的什麽為驕傲呢,誰能告訴我? 謝謝貼圖。
縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 回複蘇鄉門地的評論:

我以為現在很少有人用手書寫文字, 看來我是孤陋寡聞哈,謝謝善意糾正。

同你想法趨近,我也認為用短信的方式和戀人分手,的確有點太過分,太缺乏人性的基本要素。在這個世界上,戀愛可以把一個人的最好的素質揮發出來,同時也可能暴露一個人心靈裏最暗的部分。 我們所能做到的是: 不要隨流,迷失。你說呢?

I bet, your friends will be grateful to you with double delights when they receive your handwritten greeting cards this year, not only the heartfelt holiday wishes but also your beautiful handwriting.(we knew that already.)
蘇鄉門地 回複 悄悄話 今年有三四位好朋友換了新房子,故今天真買了卡片,爭取下周都發出去。 一張卡片,是眼見為實的一份心願,對吧?

七年級學生的家庭作業,絕大多數是手書,用鉛筆,隻有Book Report,Special Project or Presentation etc. 才打字印刷出來。 他平常幾乎不上臉書,短信也是局限在最要好的兩三個朋友之間。

縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 回複花自飄飄零的評論:

喜歡就好啦。:) 你的觀察好像是蠻對的。 不過,我們也木有太多選擇,你懂的。絕大多數男人都注意漂亮,性感,貌似又溫柔可人又魅力四射的美眉。 我也做不到漠視和免俗,腫木拌。:(
縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 回複蘇鄉門地的評論:
“Earth is just like a child, sets its own mood and demonstrates its own feelings, alternately joyful and somber, forceful and laid back, playful and contemplative, fierce and angry. What can you do? You get the answer when you have one of your own。” Since when you became a philosopher and environmental advocate. :) However, the parallel drown by you between environments and kids is pretty factual, valid and colorful. :)

Yes, you are right, handwritten greeting cards, letters or anything in that category are "artifacts" now. We are inadvertently wiping them out in this digitized age. Worse, if you'd notice, we don't even call friends as much as that we did years ago. It seems that everything, nowadays,would be able to be done through fast and convenient text messaging. The other day, my friend broke up with his GF by sending her a short text msg, I asked him how could he do such thing, he answer, "Dude, do I miss something here ? we are in a fast pace world, texting is perfect for this sort of thing cos it reduces awkwardness and pain. It's much clean and comfortable than it'd have done in face to face style." So here is a thing, I don't know how much technology will lead us to a point when you prince is mature enough to join the dating sports; but there is one thing which will be sure, it will be quite different from now. You may have to fasten your seat blet, it could bring you to an unchartered territory. :))
蘇鄉門地 回複 悄悄話 Earth is just like a child, sets its own mood and demonstrates its own feelings, alternately joyful and somber, forceful and laid back, playful and contemplative, fierce and angry. What can you do? You get the answer when you have one of your own :D

Looking at these colorful paper cards, I surly miss those old days when warm feelings, deep sentiments and all sorts of tender moments flow on a piece of paper...I’ve kept all those paper cards received in the past twenty something years, they were and they still are a part of my life, forever cherished.

Sure, I am gonna get a box or two greeting cards, soon~~
花自飄飄零 回複 悄悄話 好聽,覺得縱然比較偏愛女歌手。
縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 回複蘇鄉門地的評論:
It's in C.P. This year' fall foliage in the NYC was incredibly color challenged due to the warmar weather conditions in Oct, then it came Sandy's devastation and park closing... I felt we were cheated by nature in 2012.

你眼睛好犀利,一下子就看出痼中症結。 道理是這樣的: 生氣的美眉可傷不起哈。:(
蘇鄉門地 回複 悄悄話
你把九寨溝搬到NYC來啦? 還是別的什麽地方? 好圖!

看來還是拍風景有把握,拍美女時手在發抖耶,有木有啊? 咳咳

縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 回複tern2的評論:

"縱然法語了得,俺一句也聽不懂." 嗨,你比我強多啦。不瞞你說,不要說一句,俺可是一個字都聽不懂。:)

Overroasted turkey, no problem, load it up on my plate, I am not a picky eater。 Thanks for your confident vote, I hope I can live up to your expectation.
tern2 回複 悄悄話 回複縱然平行的評論:
縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 Haha, its' hysterical plus sensational and sensual when you said the bleeding part, in your concerning tone. :))

Yes, you are right, there are times, long distance male runners indeed do show some of bloody stains on their chests. However, such bruises are easily preventable by wearing proper cloth and deploying some proactive measures. Even in the worst scenario, two pieces of band-aid would be able to take care of that. That being said, I'll keep your advise in mind although it has not happened to me yet. :))

What is your special dish for this year's Thanksgiving feast ?
縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 回複花自飄飄零的評論:

Either the enjoyable vacation or the beginning of new holiday season may attribute to your cheerful sentiments, you sounded somehow encouraging and revitalizing. Alright, I will try do my best to keep running and ,at the same time, handling my athletic assets with more care.

Okay, if time permits, I'd update my blog, sharing my thoughts and some interesting music with your guys. However, no promise. :)

May you have a great Thanksgiving holiday!
花自飄飄零 回複 悄悄話 glad to see you are back, 縱然, pls write more and share with us.:)
tern2 回複 悄悄話 回複縱然平行的評論:
我今天跟同事說起馬拉鬆,他說他有幾次(a few times)跑都出現了nipple bleeding,胸前衣服都掛彩了。。。結果我就去google一看,他說的一點不誇張。所以,你也要注意這個保護,hehe。

縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 回複評論:



With your nod/green-light and altruistic recognition, I'd keep running marathons till the time I'm no longer to be able to do any more. :)

Sure, I'll follow your instruction and keep my knees well-protested for a long run.

May you and your family have a joyful and festive Thanksgiving Holiday!
tern2 回複 悄悄話 good writingm and good music. with the music going, I feel as if 縱然 is running and running in Manhattan~~.
tern2 回複 悄悄話 看到好青年長大了,懂事了,不隻是自我了,我灰腸灰腸欣慰:))
縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 回複蘇鄉門地的評論:
Hmmm, sounds like you are telling a success story, then keep up the good work.

With your encouragement, I am now very close to my ideal number, let's say: it's within striking distance. :)
蘇鄉門地 回複 悄悄話 "daily workout" these days means running around town with my teenage boy, so that the school soccor team wouldn't miss its best mid-defender during those games :))

Still, I need to shed several ounces weight, how about you~~
縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 回複蘇鄉門地的評論:
Forget to ask you, how's your daily workout regiments ? did you reach your ideal number in terms of weight ?
縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 回複九月獨處的評論:
How about "I'll Run every marathon before I get married". :) That may sound more realistic. :))

Yes, I am back in the saddle again.

縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 回複蘇鄉門地的評論:
Thank you for your encouragement and a sense of humor, will definitely add more oil, you can count on it.
九月獨處 回複 悄悄話 Every chance I get, I Will Run Marathon --- absolutely!~~

回來了?:-) :-)
蘇鄉門地 回複 悄悄話
