
一紙問卷 (上) -《在你的心目中, 什麽是世界上無價之寶?》 (圖)

(2012-02-06 13:55:13) 下一個

一紙問卷 ()  -《在你的心目中, 什麽是世界上無價之寶?

序言 (Prologue)  by 縱然平行 

First things first, with my heartfelt sincereness, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of contributors, ( 陳默,DUMARTINI, 蘇鄉門地,九月,夢海星, 南山鬆,一霖, 盈袖2006, 馨茗,玄米,虛席以待,Blue.Crab, 清風明月, 飄塵永魂, sharptooth, 5speed, 寬,who have participated this small scaled survey  with their enthusiasm and honesty.  Guys, please pat yourself on the back, you have done great jobs to plough through your thoughts and appraise your assessments. I am sure that your time and efforts will be highly appreciated by your fellow net friends. 

Last year at the end of our net CNY party, I posted a simple question to each and every net friends, similar to this:  “In your mind, what would be the most invaluable thing in the world ? (在你的心目中, 什麽是世界上無價之寶?). The aim of this survey is to take a snap shot at a specified moment to see how and why our peers engage their lives with their full purposes.  Hopefully their responses  may serve as the baselines for our enlightenment and references. In my mind,   the question and answers were like sliced ourselves contained and sealed in a glass bottles flowing over the river of time, and the recipients would be all of us.   

To be honest,  in the beginning, I was a bit skeptical if people would be willing to share their entrusted spheres with strangers. As you can see, my cynicism has been proven to be erroneous. It’s so transparent and evident to me, I hope to you as well, that highest priorities  in respondents' minds  at this particular frame of time have not only highlight the mosaics of emphasis but also reveal a glimpse of  the past, present and  even future of contributors' lives.  Furthermore, through their answers combined with insightful reasons and rationalized logic, respondents are able to share with us their wisdom, realization, longing, judgment and interests in a wide of spectrum.

Granted in the theory, all people are all created equal, yet in a fastidious lens. people’s lives are nothing but equal. In fact, by nature or by nurture, our purposes and needs of our lives are so vast different. In addition, age, gender, occupation, time and other attributes seam playing important roles too.

Due to numbers and lengths of the responses received, I decided  to separate them into two groups according to their genders so that ,I think, it would be facilitated in a better sense  in terms of comparison and contrast in the own peer group. As a result, my own species, I appeal to your code of chivalry, letting ladies go first as the first installment, males’ one will soon follow.

Please note that the sequences of order of responses  are arranged in alphabetic order to avoid any favornism and biases (If one of more contributors share the same topic, all the answers are clustered in one section,  in alphabetic order as well.) Moreover, please send me a qqh to state your intend to be excluded within three days just in case  this piece of post would be zted  (轉貼) by  any net friends.

I’d also like to give my special thanks to two lady friends of mine - 蘇鄉門地 和九月 for their caring, diligent, kind and supportive spirits that made this special occasion to be possible.   

Now, without further ado, let’s get the answers,  祝大家元宵節快樂!


答案: 愛情

撰寫人: 陳默



第 二天,我正準備寫下答案,想到是年初五,遂關了電腦拿起電話。我叮嚀遠在大學的兒子不要忘了和女友一起吃破五的餃子;我又撥通故鄉的家,聽著父母親人你一言我一語閑話家常。告別時,我媽媽說:“代我拉拉小米(我的狗狗)的小手,姥姥問她好啊”!放下電話,我兀自微笑著。那一刻,我堅信:“血濃於水,親情為天”,在我這裏,永生永世不會改變。

今天,在冗長的例會時,我又想起自己該如何作答。低頭看著黑西服手腕處露出的襯衣,突然發現淡灰底色上的明黃條紋,如織錦一般亮麗突出,而不是簡單的印花- 難怪價錢不菲。想到自己十幾年如一日衣冠楚楚,其實也暗含了對工作的熱愛吧。盡管,那一刻,我在會議上走神了,但心裏,向來是看重的。

此時,安靜地坐著,背景裏若有若無飄著James Blunt的歌,我想到即將到來的情人節。閃回往日裏那一個個的情人節片段:北京漫天風沙的街頭;紐約燭光搖曳的餐廳;不合時宜的分離訊息;應時應景的遠方來電;南方明豔的陽光;北國殷殷的心意......還有更久遠時,那些不過情人節,隻過七夕的日子......此刻,心裏唯有愛情......當今,柴米油鹽豐衣足食很容易handle,其實真沒有多少執手抵足、互相取暖的必要。唯有愛情,溫暖我心。可遇,而不可求。   













假如隻能選擇一樣,我選擇Time 它既含有廣義上的時光,也能具體到某一瞬間,某幾分鍾,某一日,某段年月。 我們短暫的一生,說到底,是由瞬間,分秒和歲月的時光碎片串連而起。 因此,無論多特別的時光,一旦流逝,任憑你如何回味,追憶,也注定無法再擁有。 

 成為母親是我人生至今最珍貴的一刻。 在護士將粉紅帶紫,才六磅的勞動果實交給仍虛脫中的我,一時間的驚詫,新奇,疑惑,失落,成就,都匯集在那張小臉上,感慨於那血脈相承,父子相像的奇跡,之前沒有過,之後也不會再有。 為了等待多時的這刻,餘生我都將感激他。 若在十年前,我大概會選擇給於生命為答案 :)

 兩年前,朋友的那場意外,讓我再次領悟到時間的無價。 至今還常想,倘若那天傍晚,急救人員早四五分鍾到達事發現場,朋友便不會撒手人寰。 他在ICU裏度過自己的最後一程,靠機器呼吸,生命跡象隻剩屏幕上的心跳,血壓顯示。 一天,幾天,幾周,多少等候,期待,谘詢,會診,終沒能盼來轉機。 經曆了那樣段日子,我更加堅信:世上沒有任何比時間再貴重的物品。 對自己在意人,一定要設法多給他/她點時間。 珍惜,感激那些給過我們時間的人



Integrity ()



If I could choose more than one answer, I would top list these three:  “health, Integrity and Family", because they are equally important to me. However, if I could only select one of them, I should say, it is"integrity".


First,"Health" is not just one's physical condition. Health consists of physical and mental well-beings of a person. And I always believe that the perpetual mental health is from the happiness from bottom of a person's heart. Without "Integrity", a person cannot truly be psychologically ormentally healthy and happy.

 Second, "Family" isnot only formed by love, it's also formed by responsibilities and the integrity each family member holds. Without "Integrity", a family will disintegrate; love will be gone, sooner or later...

"Integrity" goes onand on, in our life, career, and relationships with others... it makes or breaks a person…


答案:To Know OneSELF(認識真我)

撰寫人: 夢海星


If one knows oneSELF fully, one will be a fully awakenedsoul, and will behave differently, at a much higher consciousness contributingto PEACE, at personal, social and planetary levels.

"SELF" here means "True Self" (真我) or "Highest self." 真我,是真理、是大愛無疆、是至善至美、大智大勇。 如果人人都認識自己的真我,這個世界就是一個完美的天堂:)



撰寫人: 南山鬆




撰寫人: 一霖


~~)愛情、親情、健康都是無價的...如果隻能說一樣,那我覺得還是生命最無價。 我肯定不會說“生命誠可貴,愛情價更高”的~~


撰寫人: 盈袖2006








以前我認為榮譽,愛情和財富可以給我帶來滿足,幸福和安全感,但事實是一切都可以瞬間隨風逝去。世事變遷,我們實在無法掌控,況且真正擁有這些東西時我並沒有想象中的幸福。經曆神之後我認同那句話: 人的心裏有一個黑洞,隻有上帝可以填滿。因為是神創造我們,沒有回到被造時所設定的軌道前,人永遠也無法滿足和幸福。



注:因為這個契機,我開始寫自己這些年來關於神的經曆,有點長,還沒有完成。有興趣了解神怎麽改變我的朋友過幾天可以到我的博讀  http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myindex/8403/ 




撰寫人: 馨茗




撰寫人: 玄米


其實我每天都在思考,對我來說可能是頭一次思考這個問題。我開始想說真誠,後來一想,這個東西太主觀。 我在反思自己,這些年來,可能是個愛心不夠的人,所以我想改變吧。感覺擁有一顆愛心的人是很幸福的人,他獲得的快樂也是無限大的。



答案:快樂 Happiness

撰寫人: 虛席以待


Happiness is a state of mind! There are lists of things that are important to me: my own health, my family's wellbeing, knowledge, financial security, and so on.  However, I could have everything there is to have yet feel utterly unhappy at the same time. Therefore, I believe that ability to understand --- "Happiness is a state of mind" is the most invaluable thing in the world. I call it my thirdeye. When I open my third eye, I start to see, to feel content.

結束語 (Epilogue) by 九月

I suspect that I cannot make a statement such as, we, the human beings are the only creative species in the entire Universe.  However, I believe that I can certainly declare that we are the most and only creative creatures of this planet we are standing on.

What makes us creative? There is only one instrument, that is, the individual mind and spirit ofa man/woman. Nothing was ever the same from two beings, not in art, in music,in poetry, in mathematics, in philosophy...

Although this survey may hint that many of us are on the different paths and stages in pursuing various goals, but, unmistakably, if you look close enough; there is one thing we are all share in common, strikingly:  individualism - the very spirit of humanity that has been made this world worth to live.

Here we go, reading each person's "most invaluable thing" in his/her life, we can clearly see that if we combine our insightsand wisdom all together, what a beautiful World, what a miracle Universe it will be. 

The preciousness lies in the lonely mind of a being.

With this said, no matter what is the "most invaluablething in your life", I would say that the free, exploring and creativemind of an individual human is the most invaluable thing in the world.

Thanks ladies, for the diversified minds of yours and mine!

下期預告: males' (男人幫) answers to the survey. 

[ 打印 ]
閱讀 ()評論 (7)
夢海星 回複 悄悄話


我的答案:“To Know OneSELF(認識/體驗自我)” -請允許我補充說明一下:

"SELF" here means "True Self" (真我) or "Highest self."



Happy Valentine's Day to you, 縱然君,和所有的朋友們!

縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 回複玄米的評論:

謝謝你花時間思考並寫出你的答案與大家分享。十分讚同你說的感悟 “感覺擁有一顆愛心的人是很幸福的人,他獲得的快樂也是無限大的。”
玄米 回複 悄悄話 不好意思交晚了。
縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 回複九月獨處的評論:

Thank you a lot to work with me shoulder by shoulder to make this happen. Especially, your patience and flexibility that wrapped in the intelligence and sweetness have made this project to be fun and challenging at the same time.

Every party in our live ends sometimes, but the spirit itself won't. Instead, it often extends, revolves and rebirth further on its way.

Once again, appreciate your time and efforts contributed
縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 回複蘇鄉門地的評論:

I think that the first and foremost thinks that everyone should give to is you who hosted the last years' CNY. This survey is just one of derivatives originated from it. :)

Thank you much for sharing your enlightenment with us. In the meantime, please continue cherishing your time on hands with your love ones and friends. As people often say, one is never too rich, too thin, too beautiful and has too much time. :))
蘇鄉門地 回複 悄悄話
縱然,九月,謝謝二位的精湛合作! 一次意味深遠,令人受啟發的集體分享活動。


九月獨處 回複 悄悄話 Just got back home, as promised, came here to check on your product! It's nice, it's awesome :-) :-)

Many thanks for organizing this activity, I know how much effort you have put into it,how much you have brought out of everybody,"forced" us to think,to soul search...well, I guess I've to admit this is a very meaningful Chinese New Year I spent since came to the states! :-) :-)

As you said: "It’s true survey has ended, yet our lives go on. Let’s us fire up all of our cylinders to go after whatever our hearts long for." Cheers, once again, Happy Chinese New Year!