
Nightfall Over New York (圖)

(2006-07-18 18:03:26) 下一個

Sending out the last email response I realized that 12 plus hours had already passed since I got in this morning.  Checking “to do list” the last task left was to leave the door open for the office  cleaning lady. I felt exhaustion and relief at same time.  Again I have survived and mastered a day packed with meetings, debates, presentations, and politics. 

Standing by window I was admiring the nightfall which was blanketing over Wall Street area and whole New York City as well.  In summer twilight, the glittering lights on Brooklyn bridge;  the shimmering Manhattan skyline;  this magnificent and immortal skyscrapers city seemed like a beautiful lady wearing her glamorous low-cut cocktail dress ready for her nightly flirt. Have you ever noticed ? New York women at night are much more intriguing and attractive after they take off business suits and let their hair down.

I’d like New York City at nightfall, it is more tranquil, refined, alluring and almost in a sense of captivating demeanor.  Unbearable noises and inundated traffic flows are subdued under hazy sky even the filthy streets appeal to become enchanting through illumination of street lights.  

The space on my floor was getting so quiet I could literally hear my stomach grumbling sound.  Yes ,  it was time to “replenish”.  Tonight it was my Chinese night, I knew what menu items I ‘d like to order. They were;

蟹粉小籠包, 四拚 (熏魚,烤麩,醉雞,涼拌海蜇), 韭黃鱔糊, 外加一瓶冰的青島啤酒. 

The images of  玲瓏剔透香氣縷縷的精美小籠包 dangling  in my mind made my month watering, I sighed.  

Blackberry was ringing, it was the limo driver*, Mr. Patel   “I am downstairs waiting for you”  he  shouted on his cell phone.  “Ok, be there in a minute” I replied.  

Grabbing suit and loosing my tie, I dashed out the revolving door,  New York, here I come”.

Note: *I don’t have a personal driver even I’d like to wish -J.  Company I work for allows us to use limo service if it is late. 


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