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I can hardly wait to hold you,
Feel my arms around you.
How long I have waited,
Waited just to love you,
Now that I have found you,
Don't ever go. (Diana Krall)
“After a number of unsuccessful attempts at finding that special person, on dating sites, I had seriously begun to loose hope.
So, why I kept on going back? Out of loneliness I guess. I had nothing to loose and had free time.
I tried 3 dating sites. This is what I found out about women on dating sites (It probably applies to men as well):
Most people on Internet fall in one of these categories:
1) They are not ready to be in a relation. There are different reasons:
a) Break up too recent with other relation,
b) Emotionally fragile,
c) Have been hurt too much,
d) Non trusting,
e) Issues with ex-boyfriend (ex-husband) and so on…
2) They think they want to be in a relation, but they don't. They are lying to themselves and to others
3) They are daydreaming, wanting perfection, Mr. RIGHT have to be engineered to specification or rejected,
4) Only looking for a sex friend,
5) Only looking for an ATM machine $$$,
6) Looking a replica of the ex-boyfriend (ex-husband),
7) Looking for their dad,
8) Only looking for one to fill the gap while still looking for someone elsewhere.
I changed the form of my profile countless times, trying to catch the attention of women with nice profiles. Maybe I was falling in the Category 3, myself.
I have a long list of expectation on my profile that an Asian woman is pointing out (on one of my dating sites account) ……”
說真的,從那要求一出口,我就挺自以為是的認為一定會收到篇LOVE LETTER之類的東西,哈哈,沒想到他硬是給寫成了篇小分析論文。不過,想著有些JM可能還正在用網絡尋找情緣呢,它也許還有點參考價值,他這切身體會也就當是給大家的貢獻了。
Real love is more than beautiful flowers and sweet words, more than candlelight dinners or romantic walks in the park.
Real love is understanding through the difficult times, caring past the disagreements.
It’s laughing together when things are good or laughing together to keep from crying when things couldn’t seen to go more wrong.
Real love shows compassion and compromise…and forgives and forgives and forgives.
Real love is everything we share together. Because to me, real love is, and always will be, you.
Happiness is only real when shared
謝謝。MM有什麽快樂,一定跟大家分享哦,我不會漏掉去分享一下的。 :)
謝謝MM...Happiness is only real when shared..My origianl intention was to encourage other sister to share when they have good news...After MM's words, think second, what MM said is ture. My shareing of our story actually made our happiness more real as well.
I zted because it is what I feel and it is better than I can express.
"Happiness is only real when shared" . It is so true and your story shows it is possible to know people and meet the one for you by this new way.
Bless you,
Thank you for sharing,
I zted because it is what I feel and it is better than I can expressed.
"Happiness is only real when shared" so true and your story shows a new way to know people and meet the one for you.
Thank you for sharing,
WOW,阿小泥來了? 真好,園子又熱鬧一點了...歡迎常來哦.
這裏的東西,且不說好不好,反正多是怎麽都可以說多的...以歌兒的話說,這裏就是個萬花筒, 大雜燴, 希望MM喜歡. :)
等MM的好消息. :)
可愛的建議,我會的。。。等有好事了,一定來這裏報告 :)
同時用幾個馬甲,而且每個馬甲出現都代表不同風格, 就說鹿兒\阿敏\燕子MM了. :)
--看海MM有沒有接受ELEVE的建議呀? :))
haha...那我真要飛起來了, 高興得...MM這此補的課終於是個好課了? :))
謝謝MM, 我這不是因為欠了歌兒,暖薑她們的嘛, 誰叫我當時說要給他們"豔遇"的TIPS呢...隻要犧牲隱私了....希望沒有誰在笑我又"暴露狂"..嘿嘿...:)
我還剛在你園子裏敲你的邊鼓,希望你坦白坦白呢...不過, MM既然說沒有就是沒有了...不過,MM最近的心情從文字裏看是還不錯的, 可能是什麽讓你覺得很心安吧.
很可惜你離我們這裏太遠呀,不然我真要介紹那個BACKUP給你. 前段他還記得問候我生日,得知他現在還沒找到DREAMED CHINESE GIRL呢. :)
他大概真是寫得很認真的,嘿嘿,敷衍不出來呀。如果哪位JM覺得這些總結還有點用,那也不枉他認真一回了。 :)
探長的花衣服真花,一下還沒認出來呢 :)ZT. 特別喜歡史警長的這件新衣服。
好, 我們一起拷打一下她吧...她寫什麽SWEET的東西了? :)
嘿嘿..他是啥都沒學的,不過幹的東西算理工吧...而且他寫的東西多實在, 說的東西就多些花哨. :)
我覺著吧,下一個應該是暖薑.小丫最近寫出來的東西很sweet呀...hiahiahia... 長發JJ你拷打一下她吧.:)
他挺認真的,挺可愛的 -- NOD NOD, 可耐得我看了那篇東西都哭笑不得. :)
hehe...他愛說不愛寫的,寫出來的東西就不象他了. :)