by A-mao
到禮拜天,老爸再也沉不住氣了,給女兒最後通牒:“You better getapplication done today. You have no school tomorrow, so you must getyour essays done before we go out for dinner.”
“Ok, ok! I will work on it.” 還是一臉的漫不經心。
可到了禮拜天的傍晚,女兒還沒完成她的表格。並且忙中出錯,要重來。手中又沒有多餘的表格。女兒倒是大大咧咧:“Don't worry. I willget a new form Tuesday from the counselor, and refill it.”老爸知道那是靠不住的承諾, 立刻從網上把表格打印出來,讓女兒重填。
昨天回家,女兒高興地給老爸匯報:“Ok, I turned my application in this afternoon. I did moremodifications during lunch time, and my friends read for me. Theythoungt they are ok.”
老爸知道多說也沒有用了,就問:“You have to submit a listof colleges to your counselor so she can prepare recommendationletters. Which schools are on your list?”
“They are Amherst, Pomona, Wellesley, Northwest, U. of Chicago, and Washington.”女兒一臉地漫不經心。
“Do you have any idea about how hard to get into any of these colleges?” 老爸有點生氣了。
“Don'tworry, dad. This state university is my base. I am sure I can get in,and I will be happy if I get into its business school and take anaccount major. So I only chose these high-profiled schools to try myluck.....”