


(2007-07-08 18:17:14) 下一個
by A-mao








“Mommy said that I had to do 10 time for each piece.”

老爸說:“Ok, still 5 times. You better get it done quickly. Your friends are waiting for you.”

等兒子練習完了,鄰居孩子走了,老爸開始給兒子上課:“ See, you lost a lot of playing time today. Ifyou had been reasonable, you would have played video game with yourfriends.”


“Really, son? Tell me why you wanted to go to someone else's home.”

“Because mom was mean to me!”兒子餘怒未消。

老爸坐下來,和兒子聊天:“I am not mad at you at all. Just tell me what was yourthought in your mind. Did you have a plan? Where did you want to go?”

“A stranger's home.”

“So you have no plan to be a homeless, right? Were you planning to live in a box?”


“Then,let me tell you something. If the stranger was a good person, he/shewould call police because it is illegal to keep a kid like your age athome. Then you will be sent home by police. If the stranger was a badgperson, then he/she would not call police. You would end up with sucha bad person. Do you want to stay with a bad person?”

“No. I don't want to stay with a bad person.”兒子連忙說。

“Good.Next time, when you decide to go somewhere by yoursself, you better letme know. I would not stop you. Howevver, I have to report to police. Ican set up a box in the back yard now for you to sleep in it if youwant to experience the homeless life.”老爸開始逗兒子。姐姐在旁邊忍不住笑出聲來。

“No, I don't want to sleep in a box.” 兒子急忙表態。

“Then, do you still want to go a stranger's home?”


“Ok,You can stay here. Daddy and mommy love you, and we want you to stay.Mommy might be mean to you. However, it was you who did not keep yourown words. We talked about the piano practice this morning,  and I evenhelped you to start this evening. But, you did not do your practicequickly. So you missed a lot of playing time with your your friends.This is a lesson for you. Now, tell me whether you want to quit piano.I have no problem if you want to quit. I can save money, you know that.”

“No, I don't want to quit piano.”


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