by 冰呆子*********************
昨天去接小寶,讓媽媽撞見了很麻人的一幕: 貝卡摟著小寶說:“MY LUKE!”, 小寶馬上摟緊了她, 回一句:“MY BEKAH!”, 然後兩人就嘴對嘴地啄了一下。 媽媽看得心裏酸潮澎湃,仿佛提前20年嚐到兒子娶了媳婦忘了娘的滋味:)
今天得知貝卡要結婚了,憨憨的小寶還什麽都不懂呢, 照樣樂嗬嗬的。懂了也沒用,貝的未婚夫高大英俊,剛剛2歲的小寶又能怎樣?來美國後, 媽媽有幸見識了幾個浪漫的求婚場麵,貝卡的未婚夫的PROPOSE媽媽沒親見, 但聽上去很美:
Well I kind of ruined the proposal plan but he still managed to make it beautiful. I had been working late the whole entire week before Thanksgiving, but on Friday I somehow mangaged to get off a little early. Right as I was walking out to my car, I ran into him holding a dozen pink sparkly roses. We were both in shock of seeing one another but I knew something was up. It isn't everyday that he drives from A town to B town in traffic for nothing. He had planned to give each one of the children in my room a rose and send them to me and after the last child gives me the rose he would walk in with the ring and drop to his knee. He still dropped to his knee with a beautiful speech!
貝卡傳來了她訂婚的照片, 小寶指著屏幕上的她不停的叫:“My Bekah!”。 貝卡結了婚就要離開DAYCARE了, 不知兩歲的孩子失去first love會不會心痛:)
