小天使(465)-Santa Clause will be Thirsty
(2006-12-25 18:27:41)
by A-mao
幾個禮拜前,兒子就在想自己的聖誕禮物了。今年的單子特別長:gamecube, PS2,PS3,gameboy....看到他在學校裏寫給聖誕老人的信(學校的作業),就告訴他:“Santa Claus has a long listofkids. If every kid ask such a long list of gifts, he probably runsoutof money.”
“No, Santa Claus has a lot of money, I am sure.”
為了從爸爸媽媽這裏拿到一樣禮物,兒子和爸爸媽媽談判了好幾次。幾次在商店裏就是賴著不走。老爸自有辦法治他:要麽自己掏錢買(他自己的錢不夠),要麽得等聖誕老人,要麽得先回家簽contract,保證每天玩game的時間。。。拖到最後,也沒有從爸爸媽媽這裏得到一個肯定的答複。最後,人家就一心一意指望Santa Claus了。
昨晚幾個朋友在我們家聚會到11點。朋友的孩子離去後,兒子洗完澡,想到的第一件事就是聖誕禮物:“Dad, I don't want to go to sleep. I want to wait forSanta Claus and his gifts downstairs.”
“I don't think it's a good idea. Santa Claus never wants anybody to see him。”
“But, I saw Santa Claus even in my school.”
“That's not a real Santa Claus. The real one takes reindeer and the sled.”
“OK, I will go to sleep. But, I need to do something.”
老媽迷惑了:“What are you doing?”
“Santa Claus will be thirsty. So I put some milk for him。”
( 有進步,去年是在姐姐的幫助下,把燕麥片撒在門口,好讓路過的 reindeer停下來,吃麥片呢。)
今天8點一起來,就嚷開了:“Dad, I slept enough. I want to get up and go downstairs to check my gifts.”
“Ok. Dress up 1st.”
那裏還聽老爸的。隻聽到下樓的腳步聲。跟有是上樓的聲音:“Dad, I have a big box. You have a box, and everybody have a box!”
然後扭頭就跑回樓下去了。老媽隻好起來,把衣服拿到樓下。女兒也驚醒了,嘴裏喊著:“Don't open my box!”,往樓下飛奔。
隻有老爸一個人還想賴在床上不起來。可不行啊,兒子又衝上來了:“Dad, Santa Claus gave me a game cube! Please help me to set up.”
沒辦法,隻好起來。問樓下的兒子:“What did your sister get?"
“She got 40 bucks(女兒把手中的錢花光了,我讓老媽包了40塊錢。)! What's yours, dad? Open your box now.”
老爸打開,裏麵是一本2007的日曆:Wine 365。知道是女兒送的禮物,就回頭說:“Looks like Santa Claus wants me to drink more wine this year.”
“Yes.” 女兒笑著說。輪到老媽了,打開一看,是三枝裝飾漂亮的蠟燭和一個巨大的candy ball。
“哈哈, 這是什麽呀?candy ball, 誰能一口吃下去?”
笑了一回,老爸就替兒子裝game cube。姐姐在旁邊幫忙。裝好了,兒子激動得飯也不吃,一個人玩開了。老媽,老爸,女兒坐在廚房的桌子上吃早飯,看兒子玩得忘了形,提醒兒子:“Son, you better sign contract today.”