

小天使(331)-Trip to Canada(End)-A great idea

(2006-10-15 20:19:24) 下一個
by 冰溪

Trip to Canada(8)-A great idea

Since we had been living in hotel for ten days, on the way home from daycare the first day after we returned from Canada, Evan asked me: "Mom, are we going back to hotel?"

"No, honey, we are going home. Remember we already came back from Canada?"

"I like hotels and I like Burger Kings too." Evan said. I didn't know what had triggered the Burger King in his mind.

"Oh, I have an idea!" Olivia suddenly exclaimed.

"How about someone build a hotel with Burger King as part of it? So when you are hungry, you can just come out of your room and you are in Burger King! You don’t even have to drive or walk far. Isn't it awesome?"

"Yeah!" Evan exclaimed too, apparently he loved the idea.

"And you know what, Mom?" Olivia was getting even more excited: "How about you can just eat at Burger King and don’t even have to pay?"

Huh? Somehow, the scene of people eating 共產大鍋飯 (egalitarian practice of "everybody eating from the same big pot" during the Chinese culture revolution) in the movie "To Live" flashed through my mind.

"Mom, isn't it cool if we can just get whatever we want and don't have to pay for them? Then, we don’t even need the money and you don’t have to go to work to make money!" Olivia continued.

To be honest, honey, that's still mommy's dream every once in a while :). Unfortunately, a dream is just a dream. So calm down sweetie pie, you are getting a little bit ahead of yourself here :)

 -end of Trip to Canada series

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