這表明中國人壽在資金麵上是遊刃有餘的,這也是中國人壽成為美國國際集團(American International Group Inc., AIG)在華人壽保險業務的最佳收購方的原因之一。美國國際集團前首席執行長Maurice 'Hank' Greenberg最近曾把在華人壽保險業務稱為美國國際集團“皇冠上的寶石”。
Andrew Peaple
Insurance – According to CIRC, China will ban the sales of investment-linked insurance products at bank counters designed for depositors to curb misguidance that has led to consumer complaints and disputes. From March 15, banks can sell such products only through their wealth-mgmt counters. In terms of actual difference to embedded value (EV) and to earnings, not much impact to China Life from the change in regulation as China Life only derives less than 5% of GWP from banking channel vs 50% in the industry level. Although China Life did sell a lot of insurance policies via the bank channel last year, this was extremely low margin (due to the payment of high commission rates to banks), and they were participating products and not investment-linked insurance. Note that sales of investment-linked insurance has already slowing dramatically for some time due to the length and duration of the bear A-share market, and the main products that are currently being sold via the bank channel are participating life and universal life insurance products. There is a risk that the CIRC may take further measures to curb insurance sales via the bank channel, which will see the agent channel to increase in importance as the key distribution channel -hence our preference of China Life with its 676,000 agents.