The Chant of Life (1)

來源: Flyingstraw 2016-04-20 11:39:09 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (828 bytes)
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The Chant of Life (1)

April 20


On the day of creation
God sees everything as good

In his eyes, there is only her
In her eyes, there is only him
In their eyes, there is always God

Eden, the paradise
Where trees are always green
Where the land is embedded with grass and flowers
Where fruits are abundant

But you fall
And you fail
You have started the first fear in human''s endless fear in life
Fear, the psyche sign of crime
Relation lost

Expelled out of Eden
Toil starts
Travail, Travail
An imperfect life is what you are doomed
The cost of crime



love it although not a christian! -顫音- 給 顫音 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/20/2016 postreply 20:01:00

Thanks 顫音! -Flyingstraw- 給 Flyingstraw 發送悄悄話 Flyingstraw 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/21/2016 postreply 06:29:28

Wonderful poem. Love it. -~葉子~- 給 ~葉子~ 發送悄悄話 ~葉子~ 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/21/2016 postreply 12:45:04

Thanks 葉子! -Flyingstraw- 給 Flyingstraw 發送悄悄話 Flyingstraw 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/22/2016 postreply 05:14:44

很感人的好詩。 -井龍和- 給 井龍和 發送悄悄話 井龍和 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/23/2016 postreply 08:02:36

Thanks 龍井和! -Flyingstraw- 給 Flyingstraw 發送悄悄話 Flyingstraw 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/23/2016 postreply 20:31:40


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