今早8點鍾左右, 外麵很冷, 我喊: "喜哈先生, 快去WALK THE DOG!"
他說: "No, it is freaking cold, I'm not going."
我回答:"Think about Cheryl Hile. This is nothing!"
他說:"I'm not thinking about her."
我回答:"Too bad, I'm thinking about her. Get your Azz out" 這樣就把LG push out.
Cheryl Hile my new hero.
我大該是一個多月前在我們本地一個GROUP注意到她的, 因為她亞洲人,她和她老公總是一起跑 ,我感覺她好象和我跑的差不多, 所以就和她湊近乎, 我問她為啥腳上要帶一個套, 如果好的話, 我也去買一個. (
瞧我這馬大哈) 這個過去的周末, 我無意中GOOGLE HER NAME。
我的天啊!!!!!!!! She is all over on the social media! 她跑了70個馬拉鬆, 但她同時還是多發性硬化(multiple sclerosis)病者!!!!
哇, 這非常非常鼓舞人心, 大家有興趣的看看!
"I know what it’s like to have doctors tell you that you can’t do something. So, if I can be some sort of positive example to never give up, then I would be so happy."