買了iPhone 6 plus的看看這個iPhone case $9.99

本帖於 2014-09-16 10:36:44 時間, 由普通用戶 baoxiao99 編輯
iPhone 6 Plus Case 5.5 Inch Bumper Cover Shock-Absorption Bumper and Anti-Scratch Clear Back for iPhone 6 Plus 5.5 Inch Release on 2014

Designed for Apple iPhone 6 Plus 5.5 Inch release on 2014
Made with PC and TPU fusion to offer Full Protection all around the device
All around protection for your device with a Slim Design; Advanced Shock Absorption Technology: Air Cushioned 4 corners
Access to all the controls and features; Perfect cutouts for speakers, camera and other ports
Design It Yourself: Customize option to create a unique case just for you; Life time warranty from JETech


不好看. -mohu- 給 mohu 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/21/2014 postreply 09:44:36
