"Physical activity stimulates new neurons (brain cells), new connections among neurons, new blood vessels in the brain and better flow of neurotransmitters among brain cells. These improvements in structure throughout the brain lead to better function, such as memory, attention and reasoning."
我以前聽說運動提高兒童的大腦發育,提高智力。愛美麗 is well-rounded!
• 這是毫無疑問的 -polebear- ♀ (0 bytes) () 09/14/2024 postreply 18:58:46
• 運動肯定給愛美麗帶來很多好處,連最心疼她的外公外婆都不得不同意哈啊哈 -落花飄零- ♀ (122 bytes) () 09/14/2024 postreply 19:07:01