毒素驅動並中樞神經係統記憶維持的衰老理論 (為那些對探索衰老感興趣的人)

來源: 金豬寶 2024-03-02 17:20:52 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (45223 bytes)

毒素驅動並中樞神經係統記憶維持的衰老理論 Toxins-Driven and CNS Memory-Maintained Aging Theory 





在人的生命過程中,兩種毒素--代謝產生的毒素和外來毒素--會不斷積累。 大量1980年後研究發現,有毒物質幹擾幾乎所有運行免疫係統、細胞凋亡、生殖係統等的生化過程;根據毒素的工作方法,它們可能具有致癌性、血管毒性、心毒、腎毒性、神經毒性、肝毒性等(它們可以針對任何器官或身體部位)。

毒素可以在細胞裏積累,它們改變細胞的基因表達。這種基因表達變化通常是表觀遺傳變化,並不涉及 DNA 序列本身的變化。根據大量的研究,老化生命信息(基因表達變化)主要是由於細胞內有毒物質造成的: DNA 的甲基化,基因表達模式改變, 細胞讀取其原始 DNA 的能力喪失。已知的影響表觀遺傳的因素包括飲食、藥物、化學品、重金屬、 激素、溫度、光周期、含氧量、濕度等等。 例如,大多數重金屬會幹擾很多酶的功能,並會幹擾基因表達和DNA 的甲基化。毒素和外來異物還可能通過許多其他方式幹擾基因表達。 例如,不溶性物質可能停留在細胞質中,外來顆粒可能粘附在生物材料上(細胞膜或高級蛋白質結構的空間等)。一些受影響的細胞無法產生免疫功能所需的,抗病抗腫瘤所需的蛋白質;一些受影響的細胞無法產細胞分裂所需的蛋白質。相反,一些受影響細胞可能會產生不需要的甚至有害的蛋白質。當細胞內積累的毒素越來越多時,基因表達會發生嚴重改變,這就像生命信息的丟失一樣。隨著時間的推移,這個表觀遺傳改變問題變得越來越嚴重。早期,隻有少數細胞產生錯誤的蛋白質或不能產生所需的蛋白質;但當越來越多的毒素積累時,基因表達將發生更嚴重的改變:產生越來越多的有害蛋白質,例如癌症促進蛋白,同時抑製越來越多的細胞中所需蛋白質的表達。早期,人不會感到任何健康問題;然而,當變化足夠顯著時,人們就會感到健康問題,例如器官功能不足、精力不足、無法抵抗病毒感染、代謝異常、荷爾蒙紊亂或無法控製癌症生長等。


這種慢慢的表觀遺傳特性變化的性質,意味著醫學上使用的所有疾病二元分類都是錯誤的,它的發明僅僅是為了臨床方便。尤其要注意到,人體的每個主要器官都具有巨大的功能儲備:一個人在60-80%的功能被毒素破壞的情況下仍能生存。人能吃很多有毒物質,不會有症狀; 表觀遺傳特性變化的性質還意味著,所有基於觀察到的症狀的藥物副作用的披露都是不準確的。事實上,藥物對器官造成的損害,早在任何跡象被發現之前就已經發生了!


如果毒素是衰老的唯一因素,那麽衰老就容易逆轉。然而,逆轉衰老在實踐中卻很困難。我將這衰老逆轉難困歸因於中樞神經係統的記憶和維持作用。 在2018年,我在一份非科學出版物披露了這個理論(見英文附件)。根據這一理論,衰老過程,像慢性病,是由中樞神經係統記憶維持的。記憶通常用於描述人的記住認知屬性和知識的能力;但在這裏,記憶用於描述大腦如何記住和執行人體的生物過程。簡單的解釋是,大腦和身體組織/細胞不斷對話。每當生物過程發生變化時,神經信號交換就會發生相應的變化。大腦會記住信號模式並試圖維持它。這就是我稱之為 CNS對狀態的記憶。有大量證據:慢性疾病的不治之症、成癮現象、飲食習慣、思維習慣、蛇咬傷的反複疼痛(患肢被截肢後)等等。簡單地說,通過神經信號交換,大腦起著維持人表現型穩定性,使人不能隨心所欲地回到年輕時狀態。此外,細胞和組織也可能有自己的生物記憶(這在這個衰老理論中不太重要)。

大腦就像人的衰老狀態的守護者:越來越多的毒素攻擊身體細胞和器官細胞,表觀遺傳特性的變化越來越多,生命信息的丟失也越來越多。大腦也可能通過改變其基於激素的調節來對毒素做出反應。樞神係統把所有表觀遺傳特性的變化都記住了, 並阻礙衰老的逆轉。如果一個人想要逆轉衰老過程,必須做兩件事:消除體內細胞中積累的毒素,重置中樞神經係統的記憶 (僵屍細胞會自然消失)。兩者在實踐中都非常困難,還沒有一個可行的解決方案。現代人體中至少含有數萬種有毒物質。此外,許多毒素如脂溶性分子、沉澱物質、內部形成的晶體、惰性顆粒(包括塑料汙染物)等不能通過已知的生物/化學過程去除。藥物隻能清除非常有限的有毒物質,但不能除去細胞中的有毒物質。腎髒和肝髒在消除毒素起關鍵作用,它們的功能在大多數人體內可能是限製因素。通過增強腎髒和肝髒等的功能,提高身體消除代謝產物毒素和已積累的外來毒素的能力。


這個衰老理論可以解釋所有觀察到的各種生活方式相關因素對人的壽命的影響。延長壽命的因素包括冥想、氣功、宗教、情緒健康、熱量限製、飲食/營養、運動鍛煉、使用特殊食物、選擇食物、均衡飲食等。任何良好的生活方式習慣都可以輕鬆地將壽命延長一到幾年。這並不奇怪,因為人的預期壽命很長,至少有 120 歲(但更有可能是 200 到 400 歲,即使不考慮表觀遺傳變化的可逆性)。熱量限製和運動鍛煉影響沒有矛盾,熱量限製降低高血糖的毒性,而運動鍛煉促進排毒。一個好的方法必須消除體內細胞中的毒素,並訓練人的腦子的記憶。 


由於食物供應的改善和很多死亡風險的消除,現代人類的壽命得到了延長。鉛在中國在 70 年代還在使用,消除鉛可以大大延長人的壽命。鉛會造成廣泛而嚴重的細胞傷害。延長現代人類壽命和生活質量的一大障礙是現代生活環境不是人類基因所適應的。因此,慢性疾病、代謝紊亂、癌症、像 COVID-19 這樣的感染等等在將來對人類有越來越嚴重的影響。




Toxin-Driven and CNS Memory-Maintained Aging Theory (毒素驅動和中樞神經係統記憶維持的衰老理論)

I provide this aging theory for comments and criticism.

When a person is born, his genetic compositions are consistent among all body cells and organ cells. However, cells in different organs or body parts are differentiated as different cells. This is controlled by gene expressions. Thus, lung cells are different from liver cells. If the gene expression which is controlled by a large number of factors are not changed, the person would live forever. 

During cell division and development, cells produce proteins for all required biological functions. By  20 to 30 years old, organ cells such as liver cells or kidney cells can produce a large number of proteins to satisfy biological functions. The kinds of proteins and amounts of proteins are relatively stable for each kind of cells. For example, liver cells can produce a large number of proteins which are used as immune functions, cell development, anti-tumor, anti-bacteria, antivirus, etc.

During the life time, two kinds of toxins, metabolic toxins and foreign toxins,  can be accumulated in cells。A large number of post-1980 studies found that toxic substances can interfere with nearly all biological processes that run the immune system, cell apportosis, reproductive system, etc;  and by their working methods, they can be carcinogens, vascular toxins, nephrotoxins, neurotoxins, and hepatoxins (they can target any organ or body part). 

They will alter gene expressions. Such changes, which are often called as epigenetic changes, in the characteristics of a cell  does not involve changes to the DNA sequence itself. The effects of toxins on epigetetic properties are well known due to massive researches by a large number of research groups. Factors known to affect epigenetics include diet, drugs, chemicals, heavy metals, hormones, temperature, light period, oxygen content, humidity, and more. For example, most heavy metals can interfere with the functions of a large number of enzymes and can interfere with gene expressions. Toxins and foreign matters may interfere with gene expression by many other ways.  Insoluble substances may stay in the cytosol, and foreign-born particles may stick to biological materials such as cell membranes or the spaces of high-level protein structures, etc.  As a result, some affected cells cannot produce required proteins for immune functions against virus and pathogens, cell divisions, or anti-tumor functions. In contrast, some cell may produce proteins that are unnecessary and even harmful. When more and more toxins are accumulated in cells, gene expressions may be altered severely, and this is like loss of life-information. This problem becomes worse and worse with time. At the early stage, only a small number of cells produce wrong proteins or fail to produce required proteins; but when more and more toxins accumulate, gene expression will be altered more severely: creating more and more harmful proteins such as cancer promoters while suppressing the expression of required proteins in more and more cells. In the early stage, the person will not feel any health problem; however, when changes are sufficiently significant, the person feels health problems such as insufficient organ functions, lack of energy, inability to resist viral infection, metabolic disorders, disrupted hormones, or inability to contend cancer growth, etc.  This nature of the infinitesimal slow changes imply that all disease binary classifications used in medicine are wrong and it is invented solely for clinical convenience. This is particularly true that each of human major organs has a huge functional reserve: a person can survive with 60-80% functional capacities destroyed by toxins. It also implies that all disclosures of drug side effects based on observed symptoms are inaccurate. In reality, damages caused by drugs to organs happen long and long before any side effects signs could be detected.

During the life time of a human, it was found since 1960’s that zombie cells (living but functional-death cells) are formed in human brain, pancreas, liver, heart, etc. Those cells have no organ functions but occupy spaces, they do not die through appotosis or immune action, but secret harmful substances to promote inflammation. Zombie cells are similar to cancer cells in the aspect of failure to be removed. The numbers and harmful effects of zombie cells in various parts of the body are most probably aggregated by all toxic substances.  In order to reverse aging, it is necessary to remove them and reduce the speed of production of such cells. 

If toxins are the only factor for aging, it would be easy to reverse. However,  reversing aging is hard in practice. I have long attributed this difficult to the role of CNS memory in maintaining the aging process. My theory on the difficulty to reverse chronic diseases was disclosed in a 2018 in a non-science publication (see the attached English version). According to this theory, the aging process is maintained by the CNS memory. Memory is used to describe a person’s ability to remember cognitive properties and knowledge, but it is used to describe how the brain remembers and enforces biological processes in humans. A short explanation is that the brain and body tissues/cells constantly dialog. Whenever the biological processes are changed, there is a correspondent change in neurological signals exchange.  The brain will remember the signal patterns and will try to maintain it. What is why I call this as CNS state memory. Evidence for this is massive: the incurable nature of all chronic diseases, addiction phenomenon, eating habits, thinking habits, recurring pain of a snake bite (after the affected limb has been amputated), etc. Simply put, by neurological signals exchanges, the brain plays a role in maintaining the stability of the person’s phenotype so that the person cannot go back to a young age as will. In addition, the cells and tissues may also have their own biological memory (which is less important in this theory).

The brain is like a state-keeper for the aging process: the more and more toxins strike body cells and organ cells, the more and more changes in the epigenetic properties, and the loss of more and more life-information. The brain may also respond to toxins by altering its hormone-based regulation. If a  person wants to reverse the aging process, two things must be done: eliminating accumulated toxins from body cells and resetting the CNS memory. Both are very hard in practice and none has a workable solution yet. Modern human body may contain tens of thousands of toxic substances at least. In addition, many toxins such as fat-soluble molecules, precipitated substances, internally-formed crystals, inert particles (including plastic contaminants), etc. cannot be removed by known biological/chemical processes. Drugs could be used to remove only a very limited number of toxic substances, but cannot detox the massive number of toxic substances from cells. For this reason, each human must die eventually. 

Recent advance indicates that nature may leave a loophole. If the epigenetic condition can be reset for human body cells, it is like restarting a life cycle just liking giving a birth of a new life. Since the DNA in body/organs cells are preserved well, the true life information is NOT lost. Even if there is a loss of life information, it does not mean the loss is always fatal or even harmful, and it is possible, the change might be good for the next life term.

This theory can explain all observed the effects of various lifestyle-related factors on a person’s lifespans. Life-extending factors include meditation, Gigong, religion, emotional health, calories restriction, diets/nutrition, exercises, use of special foods, selection of foods, well balanced diet, etc. Any of good lifestyle practices could easily extend lifespans by one to several years. This is not strange, given the likelihood of a very long life expectancy which is at least 120 (but more likely from 200 to 400 years even without considering the reversibility of epigenetic changes). Ancient humans could not live long because they were exposed to lead, copper, and other heavy metals, daily ingested bacteria’s by-products, and lacked emergency medical cares. In addition, people died from lack of food, accidents, wars and fights, and natural disasters. Pursuit of longevity was very well-known in the China history. Interestingly, most attempts were rewarded with shortened lifespans or premature deaths. The biggest tragedy is  the use of elixir(the longevity pills) which killed a huge number of people in several thousands of years. People were willing to eat deadly pills for extending their lives even though some famous poets had warned the dangers of the pills. However, some people in China must have succeeded by luck, but their secrets were not passed down and thus lost. Some semi-successful cases are found among those who practiced Chinese medicine or practiced certain religions, and those who did medication, Qigong and special martial arts. The results of those attempts can be explained by their impacts on the CNS and their limited roles to detox body toxins.

Modern humans have their lifespans extended due to improved food supplies and  eliminated death risks of many kinds. The elimination of lead is a huge lifespan gain. Lead was used as later as 70’ in China and most countries, it can cause widespread severe cellular damages.  One biggest huddle to extending lifespans of modern humans is that modern living environment is not what the human genes were adapted to. As a result, chronic diseases, metabolic disorders,  cancers, and infections like COVID-19 will strike humans in increasingly severity in the future.

If you see any factors that cannot be explained by this aging theory, please make a comment for critique.




Memory-Maintained State Theory

I developed this theory in 2001 without publishing it (Wu's First Disease Theory). The key substance is stated as follows:

The central nerve system constantly monitors the physiological condition of every organ (which may be a tissue, part of an organ or part of the body). The monitoring of an organ is realized by interactions between neurological signals from the brain and a state property of the organ reflecting its life vitality or physiological properties (“ΣPP”). We use Σ to stress that all physiological properties are included so that this definition is different from its traditional meaning used in dictionaries. The physiological properties may be measured by Qi which carries life energy such as ATPs and physical matters such as infrared, magneto-electric waves, acoustic waves, etc. Thus, the brain can detect the state of the organ by interactions between neurological signals and Qi in the organ. Any change in nature of Qi is sensed by the brain by decoding returned neurological signals. The brain is able to understand the physiological properties (“ΣPP”) of the organ (see details for physiological properties “ΣPP”). As a result of constant neurological signal exchanges, the state of the organ is permanently recorded in special memory of the brain.

The central nerve system also controls the physiological properties of every organ and every part of the body by periodically and/or constantly sending regulatory signals to the organ or the part, in consistent with the current physiological condition of the organ and the part.

Throughout the fetal development and the adult life, the central nerve system has developed healthy regulatory signals for every organ in consistent with its healthy physiological conditions. When a disease develops in an organ by a cause such as an injurious agent, Qi in the organ is changed. The central nerve system detects the disease state from changed Qi.

The central nerve system adjusts its regulatory signals in response to the changed state of the organ. In an effort to compensate for changed, lost or impaired physiological functions of the organ, the central nerve system alters regulatory signals that are sent to the diseased organ and all related organs and parts of the body. Changes are made to protect the diseased organ.

If the disease is not healed in a reasonable time, altered regulatory signals permanently replace prior healthy regulatory signals in the memory; the altered physiological properties of the diseased organ will be accepted as current physiological conditions. The prior regulatory signals may be further inhibited by constant reinforcement of the altered regulatory signals, and thus prior normal physiological properties of the diseased organ cannot be recovered.

The altered regulatory signals cause all other related organs to protect the diseased organ and its current physiological properties. The ability of the central nerve system to memorize regulatory signals is essential for maintaining the stability of the organ and other organs, but prevents the diseased organ from reversing from the diseased state to the normal state. Reversal of the disease state is prevented by persistent signal exchanges between the organ and the brain and interactions between the diseased organ and all related organs of the body. Therefore, removing the cause is no longer a sufficient condition for curing the disease. A cure for the disease must include both the removal of the cause, a graduate change of regulatory signals, and cooperative change of all related organs.

Diseases in an organ or the body include any abnormal or changed physiological properties that may manifest as fibrosis, tumor, scar, inflammation, and mineral deposits. When any of the diseases develops, the central nerve system gradually accepts altered diseased tissues and sends regulatory signals to inhibit the immune system from attacking them and prevent healthy cells from successively replacing them. That is why diseased tissues that do not have healthy biological potentials can survive in the body while internal immune cells cannot destroy them and surrounding healthy tissues cannot gradually replace them.

While physiological properties in a tissue or the body cannot be detected in normal conditions by conscious mind, but some of them can be detected by most people in deep meditated state: (1) all energy-related properties in a tissue due to an elevated temperature (implied more excited states of compounds functional groups and more usable energy from glucose metabolism), (2) uncontrolled nerve signals moving in the body that most Qigong practitioners can experience, (3) all kinds of physical movements including twisting, contraction, vibrations, cell movements etc, and (4) internal sounds such as earring sound and brain-perceived sounds. Those perceived phenomena suggest that information physiological properties can be superimposed on the nerve signals that are sent to the brain and the brain can use them in regulating the whole body.

New discoveries after 2001 tend to support our hypothesis. Some recent studies are gradually solving riddle of nerve signals. A study (J Gen Physiol. 2003 May; 121(5): 427–439), for example, used vitro preparation of the guinea-pig cornea to study the effects of changing temperature on nerve terminal impulses recorded extracellularly from cold-sensitive receptors. At a stable holding temperature (31–32.5°C), cold receptors had an ongoing periodic discharge of nerve terminal impulses. This activity decreased or ceased with heating and increased with cooling. In addition to changes in the frequency of activity, nerve terminal impulse shape also changed with heating and cooling. At the same ambient temperature, nerve terminal impulses were larger in amplitude and faster in time course during heating than those recorded during cooling. The magnitude of these effects of heating and cooling on nerve terminal impulse shape was reduced if the rate of temperature change was slowed. The differences in nerve terminal impulse shape observed at the same ambient temperature during heating and cooling may reflect changes in the membrane potential of the nerve terminal associated with thermal transduction. This study at least tells that heat can affect the frequency, pulse shape and amplitudes. Thus, the brain is able to monitor Qi in any tissue by directly sensing heat.

We want to know if nerve signals can carry signature information for compounds in tissues. From the storage capacity of the brain, we do not have difficulty to believe its ability. We just think that the brain can maintain a huge amount of information in language and knowledge. The nerve signals for auditory, visual, olfactory, and somatosensory (touch and proprioception) sensations can carry a huge amount of information. The eyes can tell a huge number of visible waves; and ears can tell a large number of sounds; nose can tells any little smells. In other words, the nerve signals can carry a gigantic amount of information. Our question is whether nerve signals can carry signature information for compounds.
Signature information of compounds can be carried in infrared, microwave, and electronic waves, dipole moments, nuclear spins, etc. Those physical properties have pass through space and biological materials. Water can be excited in about 2.5 GHz, but rotational transitions can happen in different temperatures. The infrared can excite overtone or harmonic vibrations, fundamental vibrations, and microwave. In other words, compounds in the body can generate infrared waves and microwave when they or their function groups or vibrators transit from excited states to group states. They can absorb when transit from ground states to excited states. The question is whether such information can be added onto nerve signals.

Many applications seem to show infrared can interact with nerves. For example, pulsed laser stimulation using infrared wavelengths >1.5 μm can directly stimulate nerves and muscles without any genetic or chemical pre-treatment. However, the mechanism of infrared stimulation has been a mystery. Infrared pulses can be absorbed by water, producing a rapid increase in the local temperature, and thus reversibly alters the electrical capacitance of the plasma membrane, depolarizing the target cell. Ample data are already available on the stimulation of the cochlea with Infrared Neural Stimulation. It is found that the stimulation is selective, feasible at rates that would be sufficient to encode acoustic information. Pulsed infrared light can alter neural activity in rat somatosensory cortex in vivo. Those findings tend to show that infrared is something that could interact with nerve signals in at least some ways.

Different compounds have different absorption and emission frequencies, and they may affect nerve signals in different ways. What is unclear is whether the nerve signals can carry such information and how much they can carry.

Compounds can affect nerve signals by indirect ways. They can affect by the heat if they affect glucose metabolism in the tissue. Thus, any compound that can affect energy production and utilization would allow the brain to know. All compounds, which affect biological processes by any of known physical properties, may affect production of energy.

We also consider nerve signal capacity to carry a large amount of information. Each nerve channel can carry a gigantic amount of information by frequency, shape and amplitude. They can carry 3-dimensional information by using multiple superimposed signal patterns. A series of nerve pulses from one source and the series of pulses from other sources may be superimposed in transmission and could be decoded by the brain. We found there is no practical limit on capacity.

Based upon evidence, we believe that the brain can know a great deal about chemical compounds in the issues as far as their roles to energy production and utilization. However, we do not know how much signature information about compounds nerve signals can carry. Given the gigantic information sensory signals can carry and the brain capacity, it is possible the nerve signals can carry signature information for at least some compounds which may be used as key regulating compounds. This is a mystery we want to know.

(2) Infinitesimal Disease State Changes Theory

This theory (Wu' second disease theory) can be readily derived from the memory-maintained disease state theory. Since a disease can develop from a healthy organ to a diseased organ gradually, it must be possible to reverse it by infinitesimal state changes in a reversal direction. When the condition of the diseased lesion is changed, it causes all cooperative organs to change in consistent with the improvement in the disease organ. With time passing, the brain records the changed physiological properties in its special memory and accepts the improved state of the organ as the current state.
Dr. Wu (2001) predicted that all diseases are reversible and curable. For reversing a chronic disease, five conditions must be met: creation of thermodynamic condition in favor of reversing, provision of activation energy for all underlying biochemical processes, cooperative actions of the brain in favor of improvement of the diseased organ, whole body-cooperation for improvement of the diseased organ, and the ability to maintain an improved state. Wu's disease theory predicts that no cure can be prescribed as a single drug, but key component of cures is within the brain.

Unfortunately, curing a fully developed disease is more difficult than stopping it before it becomes a disease of clinical significance. It would be a hardest battle to fight a chronic disease (see Chronic Disease Reversal Speeds).

(3) Multiple Random Factors Disease Causes Theory

Wu et al. (2017) proposed this theory (“Quantitative disease causes theory”) when they wrote this book. It is intended to be a new foundation for treating future diseases. This theory may be referred to as quantitative disease causes theory.

Each chronic disease is caused by a large number of unpredictable and random factors as disease causes. As shown in the causes for high blood pressure, hundreds of factors can contribute to an elevated blood pressure. Many of the factors are unpredictable and highly dynamic because they may be present in some cases but absent in other cases. All of the factors are random variables: they make contributions to the disease in a quantitative manner. Any factor can contribute nearly zero, a tiny little bit, a little bit, some, a lot, a great deal, or nearly all of disease-causing effects to the disease, just like a random variable defined by a bell with two long tails. This theory is applicable to any chronic disease. Each of causal factors makes a quantitative contribution to the disease.

All diseases are caused by changes in physiological properties (“ΣPP”) in the body or relevant tissues. Physiological properties may also be referred to as “physiological environment” or “chemical environment” when it is referenced relative to a special subject such as a tissue or an organ. Physiological properties (“ΣPP”) in a tissue are defined by all present compounds, all structural cells in the tissue, all mobile cells, pollutants and foreign agents, remaining metabolic products, etc. Physiological properties are greatly influenced by circulating blood and tissue fluid. Physiological properties in a tissue depends upon, among others, nutrients, water activity or osmotic pressure of the liquid phase, compound concentrations and their gradients, fluid acidity, cell health conditions, their physiological and biological activities (enzymes and other biological molecules), and nerve signals from the brain or other organs. Physiological properties are related to tissue vitality, Qi level (or external signals for stem cell differentiation), inflammation driving force and tissue repairing mechanisms.

Anything that can permanently cause changes in the physiological properties of a tissue or organ or the whole body can make a contribution to one or more diseases. Different set of factors may result in different physiological properties, thus causing different diseases. All known disease agents create diseases by influencing physiological properties. Long-term abuse of nutritional supplements may result in next national health crisis because the extreme high concentrations used in a long term basis can disturb physiological properties of the body.

In a tissue, all physiological processes and biochemical reactions take place in an open system. This openness nature was known more than 1700 years ago. Such an open system contains a large number of substances that are from foods, air, and water and distributed by the circulating blood and moving body fluid. Every substance in the open system can affect the physiological processes and biochemical reactions in any part of the body even though they are not reactants or products in the processes and reactions. Each substance can exert its effect by affecting fluid acidity, water activity/osmotic pressure, fluid pH, fluid viscosity, compound-compound interactions, physical absorption on tissue calls, inorganic balance, nutrition competition, nutritional balance (total calories balance, fatty-acid ratios, amino acid ratios, mineral balance, etc.), ionic strength, interference to cell functions by a large number of ways, interfere with molecular recognition mechanisms, interference with diffusion speeds of others, altering volume concentrations of other components, physical space effects, and interactions with nerve signals.

The central nerve system is a super sensitive system that can detect any change in Qi in the tissue. Even an inactive compound can change microwaves, infrared, electronic absorption profile, sound profile, cell motions, pH, water activity, osmotic pressure, dipole movements, etc. The absorption and emission waves (at different temperatures) and physical activities can interact with nerve signals, and the Qi from the tissue superimposes on nerve signals sent to the brain. The brain thus is able to decode the nerve signals retrieve the information originally carried in the Qi, and thus understands the physiological properties of the tissue. In response, the brain sends regulatory signals to the tissue consistent with the state of the tissue.

Therefore, one cannot treat the human body as a closed chemical reactor where reactants and other chemical compositions can be controlled and everything else can be ignored. This reality dictates that a disease cannot be cured by working on only one, two or a few reactants or compounds. It is so even though a distinctive compound is known to start, stop and control a specific biochemical reaction for a disease in a model study. There is no way to change this distinctive compound without adjusting the physiological properties. This is why a single compound (even if it is right from a model study) cannot cure a disease.

Essentially, Qi is highly related to physiological properties (“ΣPP”). Qi is all physical properties that can be added or superimposed on nerve signals directly or indirectly. Qi is an excellent term when it is used to understand how the central nerve system communicates with any tissue and organ because the information must be added on to nerve signals. Qi is also very good term when it is evaluated by subjective feeling. Qi, which can be felt by human beings, include force, physical strength, life vitality, energy for think, desire to do thing, subtle signals, warned temperature and subtle inner feel. All of those things require free usable energy. However, Qi is difficult to understand by ordinary people (especially Western people) and it cannot be directly linked to most health factors such as nutrition, foods, lifestyle, exercise, pollution, emotion, temperature, humidity…. Worst, scientific discoveries made in the last century cannot be linked to Qi. By using physiological properties (“ΣPP”) as a bridge to Qi, we can combine all scientific discoveries with life vitality, the Qi.

Physiological properties in the human body and Chinese balance theory are highly related. The overall balance in the human body includes all kinds of sub-level balances including biological process balance, energy production and consumption balance, nutrient supply and consumption balance, inorganic balance, signal balance, functional balance, structural balance, muscle usage balance, force balance, etc. Any of those balances can be destroyed by altering the physiological properties in organs, tissues or the body. Those balances can be disturbed by changing body temperature, mechanical force, electrical field, various physical waves, fluid pH, nutrition amounts and nutrient ratios, concentrations and concentration gradients of compounds, component physical dimension, compound concentrations, nerve signal transmission, muscle usages, catalysts, chemicals that can interact with any of essential compounds, chemicals that can interfere with molecular recognition mechanisms, cells health condition, etc.

We could show thousands of ways to disrupt balances. For example, raising temperature by as little as 0.5 degrees can totally disrupt the biological process balance: a higher temperature would change reaction speeds of different reactions by different degrees due to their differences in activation energies, thereby disrupting the normal steady-state condition. Applying mechanical force to the body can change blood pressure in affected area and results in discomfort. Introducing food of large acid or basic capacity can disrupt pH of the body fluid and the blood, and, thus, cause catastrophic adverse impacts. Changing nutrients can result in insufficient reactants or excessive products. Changing contractions of oxygen and glucose, for example, can change their abilities to reach cells in tissues. Using muscles with high repetition can cause permanent muscle damages. Neural signals disturbed by bad information and emotion distress can cause pain and mental disorders. Increasing the fraction of inert gases in breathed air can impair the metabolic functions with adverse impact on the whole body. Changing dimension of capillaries can dramatically increase flow resistance because the diameter of red blood cells is even larger than the diameter of a capillary. Introducing into the body unwanted catalysts or removing essential catalysts can destroy biochemical process imbalance. Synthetic compounds in the human body can affect biological processes by interacting with natural compounds by any physical mechanisms and chemical reactions. Radioactive materials can damage other compounds and damage cells, thus changing their functions. Lack of antioxidants can result in more damages to cells by free radicals. Toxins, pollutants and toxic by-products can cause progressive damages to cells in tissues. Therefore, anything that can alter any of those balances can be viewed as disease agents although most significant disease agents are well known.

Small imbalance in a short term is generally not important unless the magnitude of its impact is large. When an imbalance is caused by a factor by a trivial amount, damages is realized by cumulative effect of the imbalance in a long term. Whenever, an imbalance of any kind exists, the physiological properties in an organ, a tissue, or the body must have been changed. Thus, all imbalances must be reflected in the physiological properties.

While physiological properties can be used to describe disease cause factors, there is no way to find distinctive mechanisms for any of the chronic diseases. No disease is caused by a change in a single chemical reaction or a single biological path. It is a flaw to think a disease as a problem in a static chemical reactor, where all problems can be attributed to a distinctive problem in one or more chemical reaction. There is no conceivable basis to explain why a biological path is weakened or sped up. This is why all methods that are normally used to diagnose a controlled static system cannot be used to study health problems of such an open complex system. This is the main reason for the colossal failure of modern medicine.

We believe that the general veracity of this disease theory is not subject to dispute. It predicts that the presumption that each disease is defined by a well distinctive disease mechanism, and treating each disease using a same method must fail with few exceptions. This is why modern medicine has consistently failed in finding cure for chronic diseases.

True disease causes are not simply definable cause for any chronic disease. Binary yes-no states are not applicable to any of disease-causing factors. There is no way to define the scope of disease factors and the quantitative contributions of each disease cause factor to the disease. For high blood pressure, cancer, auto immune disease, or any other chronic diseases, when disease data for a population of similar disease patients are summed and averaged, any conclusion based upon summed data can represent only an abstract person that simply does not exist in the world. Conclusions from such studies have no relevance to nearly all patients, from whom the data is acquired. This big flaw is created by common-law rulers, who assumed that every property could be summed and averaged, and applied to all people, like a rule of law. Therefore, most population studies have little value in finding disease causes and treating diseases in individual cases.

If a disease is caused by hundreds of factors, the hundreds of factors can be used to adjust the physiological properties, thereby curing the disease. This approach would be effective for a super majority of people. Due to the nature of open system of the body, we anticipate that some disease cause factors are not understood, they might be left out. This will be reason for inability to cure certain diseases for some time. For example, the role of the gut flora in causing autoimmune diseases was not known until recently. Many factors are yet to be found. That is the challenge.



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