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回答: 黃牌?啥意思啊zhbzhb2023-06-23 17:10:00







1. Runners are allowed to have one pacer at a time accompany them, starting from the Foresthill aid station (mile 62) to the finish line in Auburn. 

2. Runners leaving Michigan Bluff (mile 56) after 8 p.m. may have a pacer from that point. 

3. A change of pacer may be made at the following designated locations: 

  • Foresthill aid station 
  • Rucky Chucky river crossing (both sides) 
  • Green Gate aid station 
  • Pointed Rocks aid station  
  • Robie Point 

4. Each pacer must pick up their pacer number and sign a release form at Pacer Central, either at Olympic Valley on Friday morning or at the Foresthill Elementary School after noon on Saturday. Three pacer numbers (with numbers that correspond with the entrant) will be provided per entrant. 

5. Pacers must be at least 18 years of age. Exceptions may be requested in advance of the Run by contacting the Race Director. 

6. Pacers must enter and leave each aid station with their runner and must clearly identify themselves to aid station personnel. Pacers may accept aid at aid stations. 

7. Pacers may assist their runner with the filling of water bottles or replenishment of supplies at aid stations but may not come into the aid station ahead of their runner, or depart after their runner, in order to speed up the re-fueling process. 

8. Pacers may not carry water, food, flashlights, shoes, clothing, or other supplies for their runner or provide any other type of mechanical or physical assistance to their runner on the course. Muling is expressly forbidden. Pacers may carry their own supplies and food. 

9. If a runner withdraws from the Run and their pacer wishes to continue, the pacer must remain at the aid station until another runner requests the services of a pacer. The pacer may not continue on the trail without an official Run entrant. 

10. Runners are allowed to have more than one person (crew, pacer, friends, family) accompany them on the course at the following designated places (no muling allowed): 

  • from the bottom of Bath Road to the intersection of Main Street and California Street 
  • from the Rucky Chucky far side to the Green Gate aid station 
  • from Robie Point to the finish line 

11. Littering of any kind at any aid station, on the Western States Trail, or at the finish line is strictly prohibited. 




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