回複:緊急求助! - 購買新房時,相關文件的地址號碼跟實際地址的號碼不一致會有問題嗎?

It doesn't make sense and you should ask to fix this issue. In fact, it was pretty simple. Your agent need confirm  the house being built for you, the legal description of the lot, and the numbeer with the builder, and make a change on your contract. It is better to fix this asap.  otherwise, you might have a house not on your contact( diffrent legal description) or you will have a number you don't like. I believe your agent is playing some trick here. Maybe, he knew the number is diffrent but put a wrong one on MLS. You can even talk with the builder's representative dircetly to see if the house number is associated with the lot already. I hardly saw the new house with no street number assigned on a contract.


