我的購房合同很怪,是這麽說關於Earnest Money的:
If buyer has not waived the Finacing Contingency, and is unable to obtain finacing after a good faith effort then, on buyer's notice, this agreement shall terminate. The Earnest Money shall be refunded to Buyer after Buyer delvers to Seller written confirmation from Buyer's lender confirming (a) the date Buyer's loan application for the subject property was made; (b) the Buyer possessed sufficient funds to close; and (c) the reason Buyer's application was denied. If Seller terminates this agreement, the Earnest Money shall be refunded without need for such confirmation from Buyer's lender.
我的問題是(C).若到closing date那天貸款還沒批下來也未被拒絕的話,我豈不是沒法要回我的Earnest Money了?