I think our opportunity are...

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The reason we could engage in small business, real estate, etc. is because they are segmented, not standard, within pockets, not sufficient information or time, etc. In another word, if it's "perfect market", we don't have a chance.

We need to reevaluate our strategy and/or make adjustments. If on auction.com which all potential buyers see, in a big enough market, turn key condition... then it becomes a capital game which is not for us. Not easy to begin with but, we might get lucky to find a C property in B location.

We need to pick which game to engage. In the same sense, seriously, SP you should consider that also.



well said, just one thing, -Jeepster- 給 Jeepster 發送悄悄話 (794 bytes) () 10/31/2012 postreply 09:07:35
