偶又去仔細讀了一下08 的plan,後半部是08 針對老羅的, 最好有誰把老羅的plan 貼上來

來源: ldldld 2012-10-24 13:00:41 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (4120 bytes)



  • President Obama has a long-term economic plan to invest in education, small businesses, clean energy, infrastructure, and tax cuts for companies that bring jobs back to the U.S.

  • Under President Obama, we've seen 31 straight months of job growth, adding 5.2 million private sector jobs, including nearly 500,000 manufacturing jobs – the most growth since 1997

  • Cut taxes by $3,600 for the typical middle class family making $50,000 a year over his first term - find out how his plan impacts your taxes

  • "All of the above" strategy to develop every available source of American made energy—including oil, gas, clean coal, wind, solar, biofuels, nuclear - and taking steps to protect our climate

  • Set a goal to cut tuition growth in half over the next decade with a plan to double campus based student aid and incentives for schools that are successful at keeping tuition growth down

  • Responsibly ended the war in Iraq , is bringing our troops home from Afghanistan, and will use half the savings to reduce the deficit and the rest to engage in nation-building here at home

  • 100 million Americans saw lifetime caps on coverage lifted, so that families have the security of knowing that their insurance will cover them when they need it most

  • Believes a woman’s health care choices are personal decisions, best made with her doctor—without interference from politicians

  • Improved Medicare by adding free preventive care, closing the “doughnut hole” saving seniors an average of $600 last year, and extended the life of Medicare by 8 years by eliminating $716 billion in waste, fraud, and abuse

  • Is lifting the shadow of deportation from young, hardworking immigrants who were brought here as children, and is committed to comprehensive immigration reform

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    • Mitt Romney’s plan would add $5 trillion in tax cuts skewed to the rich, either increasing the deficit or requiring tax increases on the middle-class

    • Mitt Romney wants to return to the failed top-down policies that crashed the economy

    • Could require raising taxes on middle class families with kids by $2000 to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy

    • Let Big Oil advisers and donors write a drilling-centered energy policy for America, that will never reach energy independence, excluding any plan for energy efficiency and stripping funding for clean energy

    • As governor, Romney made deep cuts to higher education - by the end of his term, college costs had skyrocketed, with fees at state colleges and universities increasing 63%

    • Mitt Romney criticized the end of the Iraq war as "tragic," and has offered no plan withdraw our troops from Afghanistan

    • Go back to the days when more than half of all insurance plans included lifetime limits on the care they would cover

    • Give employers and government the authority to limit women’s access to common forms of birth control

    • Would end Medicare as we know it, eliminating guaranteed benefits and turning Medicare into a voucher program — which could increase costs for seniors more than $6,000 each year by shifting costs to seniors

    • Pledged to veto the DREAM Act, and refuse help for many immigrants who came here as children



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