地產經紀James Wong 警示:大溫賣家開始奪門而出,長期跌幅已開始

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Richmond, BC (Canada) (Greater Vancouver)

James Wong, 即兩個月前預測Richmond獨立屋3年內下跌30%, 及上個月發表 "列治文跌幅加大,將持續幾年,越早賣虧越少" 的列治文地產經紀, 今日再著作兩篇文章。

Market sentiment has deteriorated further. Buyers prefer to stay on the sideline, waiting for home prices to fall further. The only way out for sellers who are determined to sell was to price their home more aggressively. Sellers who are taking deep cuts in reducing their selling prices are the ones likely to succeed in selling their homes.
市場信心繼續惡化。 潛在買方繼續在旁觀望,看著房價繼續下跌。真正急著要賣的賣方隻有一個選擇,就是以更大幅度砍下要價。 目前市場惟有砍的夠深的賣方才有指望有買家青睞。
Richmond detached homes over $1,000,000 are not seeing much buying interest. With total active listings of 686 and average sale around 28 homes the past 3 months, there are 24.5 months supply of homes in the market. For detached homes over $1,500,000, there are currently 353 homes for sale. With an average past 3 months sale of 12 homes, this translates into 29 months supply of homes. The decline in housing sales and home prices in Richmond will take many years to play out.
列 治文大於$1M 的獨立屋繼續不受買方青睞。其總房源為686,過去3個月平均每月成交28戶,達到24.5個月的滯銷。 列治文大於$1.5M 的獨立屋表現繼續差勁,總房源為353, 過去3個月平均每月成交12戶,達到29個月的滯銷。 列治文房市的跌幅將需要許多年才會跌到底。
Now with the housing market experiencing a huge drop in sales, large over-hang of supply and poor market sentiment, home price decline is inevitable.
During the 1995 to 2001 downturn, not only employment in the construction industry contracted, thousands of real estate agents quit the business.
目前成交量大跌,房源滯銷極高, 房價的下跌是無可避免的事實。

We are now witnessing the unwinding of the housing market. It will take many years before owning a home makes sense again. Home prices are not going up now or holding. Instead, the housing market is coming down in values. The rush to exit the market will take its toll on sellers who bought their homes recently.
我們現在目睹的,是正在下跌中的大溫房市。 我們還需要許多年才會見底。 房價現在不是上升,不是持平,而是已開始下跌。先知先覺的賣家正在奪門而出, 而最近(一年)才買房的賣家會麵臨逐日而增的虧損。



日本人、香港人在美加的地產遭遇,又來了? -halfdummy- 給 halfdummy 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 10/15/2012 postreply 03:50:02



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