You really don't understand AS-IS

來源: beachlver 2012-10-05 12:26:18 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (849 bytes)

As-is really means as is, period.  It has nothing to do with how big the damages are or whether they are normal wear and tear.

The tenant, in strict legal terms, should only be responsible for any new damages, big or small, after you closed the property and took ownership.

Even if there were big damages after your inspection (the cut-off line for the property condition as you accepted) and before your closing (no matter they were caused by the tenant or not), the matter or dispute is purely between you and the previous owner - it has nothing to do with the tenant - even that he already lived there throughout the period.

His legal responsibility to you is only after you took ownership - so only the NEW damages you can prove as were caused after your closing would matter.

Got the logic?



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