
額小兒有份小保單(Prulife custom premier II life ).供款期定為7年(08年買的)。正常年付兩千八左右。今年帳單寄出來就隻要求付三百多。底下還有這麽段話:This billed amount is the maximum payment that we can accept at this time. Payment of the previous requested billed amount would cause cumulative premiums paid to exceed the limit allowable under the Internal Revenue Code's definition of life insurance. This definition limits the amount of premiums that can be paid in relation to the benefits your policy provides.請問怎麽解釋這段話?今天打給他們被告知7年期不變。至於明年有可能回到兩千八或更少。。。麻煩老大給解釋一下。謝謝啦。。。
