future growth (or earning power) of US economy as well as US cur

not totally "撞大運". However, if LZ firmly believes (even better, can prove) the US economy is not going to grow anymore, that's a different story.  Seriously, I would suggest LZ stops by the shopping malls or plazes nearby and check out how many new stores are being built now or how many stores are under remodelling now.


the assumption of "buy and hold" of the index 是啥?嗬嗬。。。 -datodato- 給 datodato 發送悄悄話 datodato 的博客首頁 (324 bytes) () 08/06/2012 postreply 09:59:48

50% Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF (VTI) -Jeepster- 給 Jeepster 發送悄悄話 (702 bytes) () 08/06/2012 postreply 10:18:47

你沒看清楚我說的。。。假設30年投資,你開始的時候沒什麽錢 -datodato- 給 datodato 發送悄悄話 datodato 的博客首頁 (227 bytes) () 08/06/2012 postreply 10:48:38

yes, I do. Furthermore, I assume 10 years investment horizon -Jeepster- 給 Jeepster 發送悄悄話 (1699 bytes) () 08/06/2012 postreply 12:06:07

“buy and hold”理論基本是基於對過去美國equity的曆史總結。。。 -datodato- 給 datodato 發送悄悄話 datodato 的博客首頁 (201 bytes) () 08/06/2012 postreply 10:34:18

God bless America, at least that's what I believe -Jeepster- 給 Jeepster 發送悄悄話 (77 bytes) () 08/06/2012 postreply 11:37:16
