no closing fee refinance.
貸款經紀告知,我要先墊付房子估價費。我認為,同意墊付,但在成交時,應該開張支票來退回我這個費用,而不是credit到closing fee之中。 否則,就是我付的這個費,而不是lender. 我的邏輯錯了嗎?以下是經紀人的答複
You are paying $450 now for the appraisal fee, which means at closing there are only $5211.24 closing costs left ($5661.24 - $450), but the credit you got will still be $5737.50, which means you will receive an extra $524.26 credit at closing, which should be enough to cover the appraisal fee you pay upfront.
既然lender給我credit, 為什麽不同意給我支票呢?既然是 no closing fee, 我付出的錢,為什麽不能退回給我,而是credit 到closing fee 之中呢?請大家給老朽解開這道數學題吧。先謝了。