1. pump down freons to compressor.
2. vacuum the line and coil.
3. disconnect linesets and drain.
4. depends on upflow or downflow, if downflow, you may have to take out the furnace first.
5. adapting to furnace.
6. reconnect linesets and drain.
7. test for leak.
8. fire up the compressor, test for pressure.
9. make sure drain is properly draining.
cased coil: $200-$250.
fittings: $50-100.
freons: 8-10lb, wholesale is $15/lb, retail is $30-35/lb.
Time: I allocate 8 hour for this job, my head HVAC guy is 20+ years type III universal licensed, I pay him $12.5/hour, on going rate is $35-45/ hour.
Tip: retail R22 comes in sealed green jars,
it is illegal to pump recovered R22 into new system, if you see a tank like below, need be careful.