前兩天我問過相關問題。 這是一個short sale. 裏麵有住戶。Seller說他們按時付房租。可是我讓他們填申請表時,他們不能提供ssn, driver license and car's licence #. 他們說 they are working with social security office to solve their SSN issue.They will have credit next year. Their license expired. They are in the process to get new license. However, they did not give me old license number.
感覺他們會按時付房租, 但是我覺得不comfortable. 我們之間有交流問題。租客是中美洲人, 牧師。
如果我們不與他們簽約,房子肯定不能按時close,listing agent 說讓他們離開需要60天,銀行不會這麽長時間的extension。他們要重新找 buyer。
不知道是back off or move forward.