Q for all your engineers..

Q for all your engineers..

ok, I am looking at this new never installed Bryan 3 phase heat pump, which been sitting the guy's garage for 2 years...the Q is, any of you guys have any experiences on using a single to 3 phase converter? I see they selling phase converters like $100 on amazon and ebay...the condenser is 2 1/2 ton, 2 speed compressor.


You need to look at power rating and make sure converter is rate -qazx- 給 qazx 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/26/2012 postreply 09:21:46

三相變單相容易,單相變三相難,不是不可以,能實用的超貴, -梁山sl- 給 梁山sl 發送悄悄話 梁山sl 的博客首頁 (42 bytes) () 07/26/2012 postreply 10:22:33

lol, hard to pass $250... -jy101- 給 jy101 發送悄悄話 jy101 的博客首頁 (39 bytes) () 07/26/2012 postreply 10:37:06

co 回複:三相變單相容易,單相變三相難,不是不可以,能實用的超貴, -jjj7- 給 jjj7 發送悄悄話 jjj7 的博客首頁 (243 bytes) () 07/26/2012 postreply 11:40:01

take a look at this -地主老頭兒- 給 地主老頭兒 發送悄悄話 (91 bytes) () 07/26/2012 postreply 11:28:31
