I would keep as it breaks even

回答: 請教我這個投資房到底值不值想喘氣2012-07-25 20:14:03

The real question is not it worth keeping or not. The real question is:

Do you have much better opportunity at hand RIGHT NOW (if you swap out this one)?  - consider the opportunity cost of holding it.

If not, it does not worth the trouble. Say, if the new opportunity is only marginally better (for the sake of <$200/m better cashflow). It would not worth the trouble to turn it over.

Another consideration is future appreciation potential.

How important is cashflow positive? How do you measure? Do you count 30-year mortgage or 10-year?  Of course the 30-year will have much better cashflow in the "numbers" as the mortgage payment will be smaller (you equity grows slower too)

If you guys have stable job, excellent liquidity and strong balance sheet, breaking even cashflow-wise (i.e., paying off faster or putting in more equity) is not always a bad idea.


2nd that... -jy101- 給 jy101 發送悄悄話 jy101 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/25/2012 postreply 21:05:11

雙職工,個人認為投資房花的時間會比別的投資少些 -想喘氣- 給 想喘氣 發送悄悄話 想喘氣 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/25/2012 postreply 21:35:05
