Actually, I don;t know.

回答: 對老貓這樣的FA, 隻需問一個問題rx3002012-07-14 10:13:50

From 2007, I began to calculate the annual return for the portfolio under my management. Following are the return: 8.7%, -40.5%, 40.0%, 19.9%, -3.2%. I do remember 2008 and last year I did worce than SP500.

However, I do not compare my portfolio directly with sp500--I have almost half of my money in mid-cap, and also I invest by DCA. Mid-cap fund naturally swing bigger than SP500, and DCA's return also depends on how the stock market goes during the year. If the stock market goes a "V" shape, my DCA is a winner, and if it goes "^" shape, I am goign to be a loser. 

To keep myself confident, 家庭理財每年年終該算的四個賬:

so far so good. :).
