朋友曾用過 Mayflower Moving兩次,十年前的那次,她恨不得給人家雙倍的小費,可是力不從心。 最近這次,一如既往的用它,不是價格好,是信譽。 結果呢,好像雇了幫土匪惡霸, 雞飛蛋打,差點沒叫警。 歎天上人間!
多事之秋,小心為要。 口碑這東西,遇到經濟不好,照樣掃地。 教訓是,past performance is no guarantee.
Maker sure you read and understand all the fine letters before you sign docs. Don’t leave any blank spot empty, XXX or N/A. and keep all the copies of signed docs WITH YOU right after signing before truck driver ignites engine.
Happy Moving!