沒錯,大老爺們讓妹妹通下水道, 看看俺花花這幾天忙啥,
星期五:8AM: pick up tenants and sign a lease 》9Am: work;
2PM: tenant called cooler is bad; 5PM: off work;
6pm: fixed water pump, installed new water line (went to Lowes to buy more parts), return home for dinner at 9PM.
Sat: 8AM: went to Ace to get motor belt, 8:30AM: met a potential tenant; 9:40AM: return security deposit to another tenant; 11AM: final inspection for a house on contract (110 F now); 12PM: pick up a used stove (just do not want to spend $500 for a new one for a tenant); 1:30PM (lunch at home); 3:30PM (installed a window AC for a house); 5PM (received texts/phone calls from other tenants);
俺老婆從來不上房頂, 不通馬桶, 所有的建房,維修,帶人看房,出租,電話聯絡(90%以上)都是俺負責。