IE might have memory leak, while Chrome might not have.
Some programs were written better than the other.
黃下, IE 老婦是私營的, 奶奶的,大家裏麵的啥也看不到啊, 那個是C, 還是D, 屁股翹不翹? Chrome 是開放的阿, 那個一覽無遺啊, 為啥幹露露火爆! 真才食料, 童叟無欺!
IE might have memory leak, while Chrome might not have.
Some programs were written better than the other.
黃下, IE 老婦是私營的, 奶奶的,大家裏麵的啥也看不到啊, 那個是C, 還是D, 屁股翹不翹? Chrome 是開放的阿, 那個一覽無遺啊, 為啥幹露露火爆! 真才食料, 童叟無欺!
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06/02/2012 postreply
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06/02/2012 postreply
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