房子買了才三年迫不得已就要賣,鐵定要虧。萬般無奈下隻好 For Sale by Owner,自己賣。好不容易收了一個offer。激動萬分之餘,不知道下一步要幹什麽。敬請高手指點:
1. how to make sure the buyer's financial condition is strong enough. Should I ask for loan application or pre-approval information. How to ask?
2. once in contract, can I still market the house to other buyers? Is it obliged to put up an 'In Contract' sign?
3. I was asked to provide Home Protection plan at $549. is it normal?
4. I was asked to provide title insurance. is it normal? how much will it be?
5. This contract is contingent upon buyer's sale and closing of his present house. What are the caveats I need to pay special attention to for this kind of situation.